Jan Stolarek
Jan Stolarek

Reputation: 1429

Matching expression context under `forall` with Ltac

Say I have the following definitions in Coq:

Inductive Compare := Lt | Eq | Gt.

Fixpoint compare (x y : nat) : Compare :=
  match x, y with
  | 0, 0   => Eq
  | 0, S _ => Lt
  | S _, 0 => Gt
  | S x', S y' => compare x' y'

Now consider this lemma:

Lemma foo : forall (x: nat),
    (forall z, match compare x z with
               | Lt => False
               | Eq => False
               | Gt => False
               end) -> nat -> False.
  intros x H y.

At this point proof state looks like this:

   x : nat
   H : forall z : nat,
       match compare x z with
       | Lt => False
       | Eq => False
       | Gt => False
   y : nat

I'd like to write Ltac match goal that will detect that:

a) there is a hypothesis x : nat that is used as an argument to compare somewhere inside a quantified hypothesis H

b) and there is some other hypothesis of type nat - namely y - that can be used to specialize the quantified hypothesis.

c) and once we have those two things specialize H to y

I tried doing it like this:

 match goal with
 | [ X : nat, Y : nat
   , H : forall (z : nat), context [ compare X z ] |- _ ] => specialize (H Y)

But there are at least two things that are wrong with this code:

  1. Using context under a forall seems disallowed.

  2. I can't figure out a correct way to pass X as argument to compare in a way that it is recognized as something that exists as a hypothesis.doing it like this:

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Views: 394

Answers (2)


Reputation: 4258

If you want to check that X occurs in the quantified hypothesis H, it suffices to check that it occurs in H after it is instantiated with any value that does not contain X. For instance, you can instantiate H with Y by simply writing the application of H as a function to Y. Here is my proposal:

match goal with | X : nat, H : _, Y : nat |- _ =>
  match type of (H Y) with | context[X] => specialize (H Y) end

This Ltac text really checks that H is a function. If you want to be more precise and state that H should really be a universal quantification (or a product type), then you can check that the type of (H Y) also contains Y, as in the following fragment:

match goal with | X : nat, H : _, Y : nat |- _ =>
  match type of (H Y) with | context[X] => 
    match type of (H Y) with | context [Y] => specialize (H Y) end

Upvotes: 3

Daniel Schoepe
Daniel Schoepe

Reputation: 21

This doesn't quite do what you are asking for, but it's somewhat close:

match goal with
| [ X : nat, Y : nat, H : context[compare ?a _] |- _ ] =>
  match type of H with
  | forall (z: nat), _ =>
    match a with
    | X => specialize (H Y)

However, this does not check that the second argument to compare matches the z that is bound by the forall.

Upvotes: 2

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