Reputation: 61
I would like to ask help on this. Thank you very much!
I have thousands of files, each containing 5 columns and the first column containing names.
$ cat file1
name math eng hist sci
Kyle 56 45 68 97
Angela 88 86 59 30
June 48 87 85 98
I also have a file containing a list of names that can be found in the 5-column files.
$ cat list.txt
Specifically, I want to extract, say, the data in the 3rd column corresponding to the list file that I have in a structured way; columns representing the thousands of files and the names as rows. If one name in the list file is not present in a 5-column file, it should be presented as 0. Additionally, columns should headed with the filenames.
$ cat output.txt
names file1 file2 file3 file4
June 87 65 67 87
Isa 0 0 0 54
Angela 86 75 78 78
Manny 39 46 0 38
Upvotes: 0
Views: 699
Reputation: 37404
Using your test files list.txt
and file1
(twice) for testing. First the awk:
$ cat program.awk
function isEmpty(arr, idx) { # using @EdMorton's test for array emptiness
for (idx in arr) # for figuring out the first data file
return 0 #
return 1
function add(n,a) { # appending grades for the chosen ones
if(!isEmpty(a)) { # if a is not empty
for(i in n) # iterate thru all chosen ones
n[i]=n[i] (n[i]==""?"":OFS) (i in a?a[i]:0) # and append
FNR==1 { # for each new file
h=h (h==""?"":OFS) FILENAME # build header
process(n,a) # and process the previous file in hash a
NR==FNR { # chosen ones to hash n
$1 in n { # add chosen ones to a
a[$1]=$3 #
process(n,a) # in the end
print h # print the header
for(i in n) # and names with grades
print i,n[i]
Running it:
$ awk -f program.awk list.txt file1 file1
list.txt file1 file1
Manny 0 0
Isa 0 0
Angela 86 86
June 87 87
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4043
$ cat awk-script
BEGIN{f_name="names"} # save the "names" to var f_name
a[$1]=$1;b[$1];next # assign 2 array a & b, which keys is the content of "list.txt"
FNR==1{ # a new file is scanned
f_name=f_name"\t"FILENAME; # save the FILENAME to f_name
for(i in a){
a[i]=b[i]==""?a[i]:a[i]"\t"b[i]; # flush the value of b[i] to append to the value of a[i]
b[i]=0 # reset the value of b[i]
{ if($1 in b){b[$1]=$3} } # set $3 as the value of b[$1] if $1 existed in the keys of array b
print f_name; # print the f_name
for(i in a){
a[i]=b[i]==""?a[i]:a[i]"\t"b[i]; # flush the the value of b[i] to a[i] belongs to the last file
print a[i] # print a[i]
Assumed more the one file (i.e., file1, file2, etc) existed, you may use the command to get the result,
$ awk -f awk-script list.txt file*
names file1 file2
Manny 0 46
Isa 0 0
Angela 86 75
June 87 65
Upvotes: 1