Reputation: 31
I'm currently attempting to generate a Loading message which will run upon the completion of two method calls. The methods are SetData
and FindNotesPerDay
I have been using a Progress Dialog when attempting this however I am having no luck, either the progress dialog doesn't open or it appears but doesn't load the methods or disappear.
Below is the code is the code without my attempt to try a loading dialog.
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Create your application here
expandableListView = FindViewById<ExpandableListView>(Resource.Id.ListViewExpanded);
StartMonday = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.TextViewStartDateMonday);
SelectDateButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.SelectDateButton);
NotesListView = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.NotesListView);
// Populate User
User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UserInstance>(Intent.GetStringExtra("User"));
//Find Monday
DateTime TodaysDate = DateTime.Now;
while (TodaysDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday) TodaysDate = TodaysDate.AddDays(-1);
StartMonday.Text = "Starting On " + TodaysDate.ToLongDateString();
// Loading Message While These Load!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SetData(TodaysDate, out myAdapater);
FindNotesForDay(TodaysDate, TodaysDate.AddDays(+6));
SelectDateButton.Click += delegate {
below is my attempt to display a loading message
ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(this);
progress.Indeterminate = true;
progress.SetMessage("Contacting server. Please wait...");
var progressDialog = ProgressDialog.Show(this, "Please wait...", "Checking account info...", true);
//Find Monday
DateTime TodaysDate = DateTime.Now;
while (TodaysDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday) TodaysDate = TodaysDate.AddDays(-1);
new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
RunOnUiThread(() => Toast.MakeText(this, "Toast within progress dialog.", ToastLength.Short).Show());
RunOnUiThread(() => SetData(TodaysDate, out myAdapater));
RunOnUiThread(() => FindNotesForDay(TodaysDate, TodaysDate.AddDays(+6)));
RunOnUiThread(() => progressDialog.Hide());
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1460
Reputation: 31
This was my solution however i must say the spinner currently isn't working though the dialog does
Thanks, Joe
namespace PleaseWorkV1
[Activity(Label = "TimetableMenu")]
public class TimetableMenu : Activity
public Button ClassTimetableButton;
public Button PlacementTimetableButton;
public Button DownloadCalBTN;
public UserInstance User;
public GetConnectionClass Connect = new GetConnectionClass();
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Create your application here
ClassTimetableButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.ClassTimeTableBTN);
PlacementTimetableButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.PlacementTimeTableBTN);
DownloadCalBTN = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.DownloadMonthBTN);
User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UserInstance>(Intent.GetStringExtra("User"));
ClassTimetableButton.Click += async (sender, args) => await ClassOnClick();
//ClassTimetableButton.Click += delegate
// ClassOnClick();
PlacementTimetableButton.Click += delegate
DownloadCalBTN.Click += delegate
private async Task ClassOnClick()
var progressDialog = ProgressDialog.Show(this, "Loading", "Message", false);
var MoveToTimeTable = new Intent(this, typeof(TimeTable));
MoveToTimeTable.PutExtra("User", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(User));
await Task.Delay(0)
.ContinueWith(task => { StartActivity(MoveToTimeTable); });
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 16652
I have been using a Progress Dialog when attempting this however I am having no luck, either the progress dialog doesn't open or it appears but doesn't load the methods or disappear.
You can create a AsyncTask
for this work, for example:
private class MyTask : AsyncTask
private ProgressDialog progress;
private Context context;
public MyTask(Context mcontext)
context = mcontext;
protected override void OnPreExecute()
progress = new ProgressDialog(context);
progress.Indeterminate = true;
progress.SetMessage("Contacting server. Please wait...");
protected override Java.Lang.Object DoInBackground(params Java.Lang.Object[] @params)
//do your work here and return the result
return null;
protected override void OnProgressUpdate(params Java.Lang.Object[] values)
Task.Delay(2000).ContinueWith(t =>
progress.SetMessage("Checking account info...");
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
protected override void OnPostExecute(Java.Lang.Object result)
Task.Delay(5000).ContinueWith(t =>
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
You can call this task like this:
var task = new MyTask(this);
This is just a sample, you should be able to replace the task delay part to your logical code.
Upvotes: 2