
Reputation: 534

Why is >>= more often talked about than <=<?

Let's say we have g :: a -> b, and f :: b -> c. We can write:

  1. f . g :: a -> c.

If our functions return monadic values (i.e. values in contexts), for example, g1 :: (Monad m) => a -> m b and f1 :: (Monad m) => b -> m c. We can write:

  1. f1 <=< g1 :: (Monad m) => a -> m c.
  2. return x >>= g1 >>= f1, where x :: a, to get a value back. Or even the lambda \x -> return x >>= g1 >>= f1.

It seems that <=< is more parallel to . in terms of syntax. <=< makes it easier to understand Monad is just about function composition that preserves context. Why is >>= more often talked about than <=<?

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Answers (2)


Reputation: 41

While <=< is more natural to reason about for many applications, there is actually a good practical reason for >>= being the primary function for the Monad class. The reason is that whenever you try to compose functions f :: a -> m b and g :: b -> m c, you always end up needing to unwrap the result of f somehow anyway, which is exactly what >>= does!

Compare for example the definitions for Maybe

m >>= f = case m of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just a -> f a

f >=> g = \a -> case f a of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just b -> g b

Try to give a simpler definition for >=>, it's really not possible!

In general, looking at the default definitions for >>= and >=>, we see:

(>>= f) = id >=> f
f >=> g = \a -> f a >>= g
-- equivalently = (>>= g) . (>>= f) . return

It seems that >=> is doing "more work" than >>=, so it is sensible to define a Monad using the simplest description of its behavior.

The theoretical way to think about this is that \m -> m >>= f is exactly id >=> f. What we're saying is that >=> is uniquely defined by its action on the identity.

(One might argue that =<< is better as it matches the normal direction of function application like $, <$> and <*> but it doesn't really matter)

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Reputation: 89113

<=< is a great way of explaining the monad laws:

 f <=< return = f -- right identity
 return <=< g = g -- left identity
 f <=< (g <=< h) = (f <=< g) <=< h -- associativity

And it's very useful for demonstrating the category of Kleisli arrows:

 newtype Kleisli m a b = Kleisli { runKleisli :: a -> m b }
 instance Monad m => Category (Kleisli m) where
   Kleisli f . Kleisli g = Kleisli (f <=< g)
   id = Kleisli return

And you'll see it show up in point-free programs. Personally, I'm also fond of its peer =<<.

But while it makes talking about the monad laws and composition easier, I think there's still some strong didactic reasons that >>= is preferred among monad tutorials and introductions to Haskell.

The first reason being that <=<'s strong suit is point-free code, and for the most part point-free code is harder for people coming from a language in the C-syntax family (C, C++, Java, Python, etc) to understand at first.

If "point-free" is an unfamiliar adjective to you, here's three implementations of the same function:

f a b = a + b * 2
f a = (a +) . (* 2)
f = flip (.) (*2) . (+)

They all run the same calculation, but the last is in what's called point-free style, where the variables on the left have been removed via eta conversion.

This example is very much a strawman, but point-free style is seductive and can easily lead to code that is very difficult for beginners to understand.

Another reason is that one of the near-universal questions beginners ask is "how do I unwrap a IO String to get an String?" when first confronted with Haskell's IO monad. The answer of course is, "you don't, you chain the rest of the computation with >>=", >>= making it easy to explain the relationship between

putStrLn "Your first name: " >>= \_ ->
getLine >>= \first ->
putStrLn "Your last name: " >>= \_ ->
getLine >>= \last ->
putStrLn ("Hello " ++ first ++ " " ++ last)


  putStrLn "Your first name: "
  first <- getLine
  putStrLn "Your last name: "
  last <- getLine
  putStrLn ("Hello " ++ first ++ " " ++ last)

One last reason, of course, is that >>= is in the definition of Monad, and <=< isn't, and that's just the way the language is defined to be. People are more likely to talk about typeclass members than arbitrary functions when teaching others about the typeclass, especially when the teacher is relatively new to the subject themselves (as so many monad tutorial authors are).

Upvotes: 9

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