Reputation: 21
I am trying to create a table in splunk of some service endpoint and calculation time taken by each endpoint, now the problem i want to display selected endpoints based on time. This is the query i wrote to display the fields.
<query>index="test" | eval report=case(match(uri_path, "api/abc/"),
"anc", match(uri_path, "api/bcd/**"), "bcd", match(uri_path, "efc"),
"efc") | eval ms=round(microseconds/1000) | stats count, mean(ms) as
avgMillis, min(ms), max(ms), perc75(ms), perc95(ms), perc99(ms),
stdev(ms) by report | eval avgMillis=round(avgMillis) | eval
stdev(ms)=round('stdev(ms)') </query>
How should only end points be displayed only if they are more than 1 secs.
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