
Reputation: 855

How to Download data in excel from Angular 4

I am building an angular app in which i need to export Table data in an excel file. I have a ride success component inside which i have a table which is displaying data fetched through an angular service. Now i need to download this table data in an excel file from my browser.

ridesuccess Component:-

export class RideSuccessComponent implements OnInit {

 p = 1;
  myForm: FormGroup;
  rideSuccess: RideSuccess[];
  rsuccess: RideSuccess = '';
  constructor(private adminService: AdminService) {}

 ngOnInit() {

    this.rsuccess = '';

        (rideSuccess: RideSuccess[]) => {
            this.rideSuccess = rideSuccess;

ridesuccess HTML:-

    <table class="responstable" id="responsetable">

    <th data-th="Driver details"><span>Driver name</span></th>
    <th>Rider Name</th>
    <th>Pool ID</th>
    <th>Sum ID</th>

  <tr *ngFor="let ridesuccess of rideSuccess| paginate: { itemsPerPage: 5, currentPage: p }; let i = index" >
    <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-success"  data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" (click)="setmodal(ridesuccess)">Gratify</button></td>

<pagination-controls (pageChange)="p = $event" class="my-pagination" style="float: right"></pagination-controls>

Now i want to implement a button in HTML, which on clicked will download the full table data in an excel file.

NOTE:- I have all data in my angular service(getRideSuccess()). I want to download data from my angular object which is getting populated using the service(getRideSuccess()).

Package.json :-

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Upvotes: 3

Views: 9493

Answers (2)

Dani Grosu
Dani Grosu

Reputation: 554

You may need to use angular2-csv library in order to do this.
npm install --save angular2-csv

import { Angular2Csv } from 'angular2-csv/Angular2-csv';

    export class RideSuccessComponent implements OnInit {
        rideSuccess: RideSuccess[];
        exportData() {

            new Angular2Csv(this.rideSuccess, 'My Report');


Then just call exportData function whenever you want. Additional info here.

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 855

I was able to do this using DataTableModule provided by PrimeNG DataTableModule Example.

As for the Angular2Csv issue, i found that it throws UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY angular 4.3.3 while installing the module. However, i am using Angular 4.0.0 for development. It seems the latest version of Angular2Csv requires 4.3.3 hence the error.

Upvotes: 1

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