Reputation: 311
I'm currently struggling with the behavior of django querysets with annotations and the included operators | and &
I have Models like this:
class Property(models.Model):
value = models.IntegerField(null=True)
obj = PropertyManager()
class Profile(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
values = models.ManyToManyField(Property)
class PropertyManager(models.Manager):
def included(self, profile):
super(PropertyManager, self).filter(Q(property__profile=profile)).annotate(included_value=Value('true', output_field=CharField()))
def excluded(self, profile):
super(PropertyManager, self).filter(~Q(property__profile=profile)).annotate(included_value=Value('false', output_field=CharField()))
def included_excluded(self, profile):
return (self.excluded(profile) | self.included(profile)).distinct()
I naively expected that the included_excluded
function returns a joined queryset of both querysets with their annotations, like:
property_id | included_value
1 | true
2 | false
but it turns out, that the annotation is overwritten in my examples:
j = Profile.objects.get(id=1)
exc = Property.obj.excluded(profile=j)
inc = Property.obj.included(profile=j)
all = Property.obj.included_excluded(profile=j)
len(inc) => 14
len(exc) => 17
len(all) => 31
all.values_list("included_value") => <QuerySet [('false',)]>
exc.values_list("included_value") => <QuerySet [('false',)]>
inc.values_list("included_value") => <QuerySet [('true',)]>
has obviously not all the correct values in the annotations, as I expected.
So I'm wondering, if there is a method to join two querysets and keep the annotations I made earlier
Upvotes: 1
Views: 296
Reputation: 3492
From Django 1.8 upwards you can do it like this:
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Case, When
def included_excluded(self, profile):
return super(PropertyManager, self).annotate(
When(property__profile=profile, then='true'),
default='false', output_field=models.CharField()
If you need them separately, then you can later just filter this queryset: PropertyManager().included_excluded(profile).filter(included_value='true')
Upvotes: 1