Reputation: 255
Hi guys I have been using firebase to write and read values from the database. It was working awesome until I wrote a function to retrieve values or products stored using swift in the following way.
Here is my code
func retrieveLiveUrlFor(product: Product){
if let path = product.prodRef{
print("Looking for : \(path)")
var liveUrl = ""
let ref = Database.database().reference(withPath: path)
ref.observe(. value, with: {
snapshot in
print("Snap : \(snapshot.value)")
if snapshot.exists(){
print("Snap : \(snapshot.value)")
let dic = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
if dic != nil{
let url = dic?["liveUrl"] as? String
print("Url is here")
if url != nil{
print("URL is not nil")
liveUrl = url as! String
if (self.productdelegate != nil){
print("Calling Product delegate")
self.productdelegate?.liveUrlObtained!(liveUrl: liveUrl)
And this is the value of the path that I am trying to retrieve
And here is the snap of the firebase database
The snapshot.value alwasy returns null in swift. When I print using
print("Snap: \(snapshot.value)")
It prints the following
Snap : Optional() Please guide me what I am doing wrong so that I can get to it.
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Views: 5618
Reputation: 186
If you are observing using the .value event, then a return of snapshot.value as nil means that the snapshot value does not exist at that reference. Try printing the snapshot as a whole and the snapshot.key
ideally the reference you need is
let ref = Database.database.reference().child("Products").child("Live").child("Global").child("WpMvDJZUclRlfHFJsSlBEbi0jHf1")
The observer would function like this:
ref.observe(.value) {(snapshot) in
Upvotes: 4