Reputation: 11832
The frontend user signup form doesn't have username field as I am using email to login.Now I have access to django admin.
When I edit an user I get that username field to edit but I do not want that field to be editable or view-able at all. --
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from .models import UserProfile
class ProfileInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = UserProfile
can_delete = False
verbose_name_plural = 'Profile'
fk_name = 'user'
class CustomUserAdmin(UserAdmin):
inlines = (ProfileInline, )
list_display = ('email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'is_staff')
list_select_related = ('profile', )
exclude = ('username',)
def get_inline_instances(self, request, obj=None):
if not obj:
return list()
return super(CustomUserAdmin, self).get_inline_instances(request, obj), CustomUserAdmin) --
from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper
from crispy_forms.layout import Layout, Div, Field
from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteSelectField, AutoCompleteField
from phonenumber_field.formfields import PhoneNumberField
from . import models
from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField
class SignUpForm(forms.Form):
first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
phone_number = PhoneNumberField(label=_("Phone (Please state your country code eg. +44)"))
organisation = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
email = forms.EmailField()
password1 = forms.CharField(max_length=20)
password2 = forms.CharField(max_length=20)
captcha = ReCaptchaField(attrs={'theme' : 'clean'})
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from easy_thumbnails.fields import ThumbnailerImageField
from ciasroot.settings import THUMBNAILER_SIZES, UPLOAD_PATH
from ciasroot.constants import GENDERS, LANGUAGES
from ciasroot.util import HashedPk
from phonenumber_field.modelfields import PhoneNumberField
import math, decimal, datetime, os
class UserProfile(models.Model, HashedPk):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, unique=True, related_name ='profile')
job_title = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, null=False, default="")
website = models.URLField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
organisation = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True, default="")
phone_number = PhoneNumberField( blank=True, null=True)
The django version is 1.10 so I used exclude
. But it throws an error--
KeyError: "Key 'username' not found in 'UserForm'. Choices are: date_joined, email, first_name, groups, is_active, is_staff, is_superuser, last_login, last_name, password, user_permissions."
Do I need to override the signup form because when adding a new user from admin I don't get the fields as frontend signup form(At some point I need to do that as well).
Any help is highly appreciated.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 6035
Reputation: 1940
A discussion about this problem is here.
That's because the stock UserAdmin defines fieldsets in which 'username' is a field, you need to modify the fieldsets, too.
For example:
class CustomUserAdmin(UserAdmin):
# ...
exclude = ('username',)
fieldsets = (
('Personal info', {'fields': ('full_name', 'email', 'password')}),
('Important dates', {'fields': ('last_login', 'date_joined')}),
('Permissions', {'fields': ('is_active', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser', 'groups', 'user_permissions')}),
Upvotes: 13