Vivek Bajpai
Vivek Bajpai

Reputation: 127

ExpressJS/Typescript - Unabe to Retrieve ZoneAwarePromise value?


Issue is that I am not able to get all the cities and locations in sequence once I draw the FormArray again and this is becuase of the loop only. Anyways, I am new to TS, you might understand much better. Thanks again.

import { Component, OnInit, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, FormArray, Validators, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { CustomValidators } from 'ng2-validation';
import { SharedService } from '../../../layouts/shared-service';
import { MdSnackBar, MdSnackBarConfig, MdDialog, MdDialogRef, MdDialogConfig } from '@angular/material';
// Added employee services
import { VehiclePlanService } from '../../../service/vehicle-plan.service';
import { PlanService } from '../../../service/plan.service';
import { LocationService } from '../../../service/location.service';
import { VehicleMakeService } from '../../../service/vehicle-make.service';
import { CommonService } from '../../../service/common.service'; // call the common services
import { PlanInterface } from './plans.interface';

import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';

declare var $: any;
  selector: 'app-vehicle-plan',
  templateUrl: './vehicle-plan.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./vehicle-plan.component.scss']
export class VehiclePlanComponent implements OnInit {

    pageTitle: "Vehicle Plan";
    _id : string = this.route.snapshot.params['id'];

    public form: FormGroup;

    plansElement = {};   sessionData = {}; activePlans = {}; activeMake = {}; loc = {}; city = {}; locationNames = {};
    activePlanKey = []; activeMakeKey = []; locKey = []; cityKey = []; value = []; planVals = [];
    securityDeposit :  string ; fuleLevel : string; bookinH : string; bookingCycle : string; freeKm : string; grace : string; resVP: string;
    planDetails: string; vehicleDetails: string; vehicleID: string; planID: string; 
    planName: string ; makeName : string;

    constructor(        private fb: FormBuilder,
                        private _sharedService: SharedService, 
                        private router: Router,
                        private route: ActivatedRoute,
                        public snackBar: MdSnackBar,
                        public dialog: MdDialog,
                        private vpService: VehiclePlanService,
                        private plan: PlanService,
                        private locationService: LocationService,
                        private vmService: VehicleMakeService,
                        private commonService : CommonService
                    ) {
                        this.commonService.getSession().then((res) => {
                        this.sessionData = res['data'];

    ngOnInit() {
        this.planName= '' ; this.makeName = '';
        this.form ={ 
            plan_name:              [null, Validators.required],
            vehicle_make:           [null, Validators.required],
            rate_per_additional_km: [null, Validators.required],
            rate_per_plan:          [null, Validators.required],
            planArray: this.fb.array([


    // Operate vehiclemake to add / edit
    actionVP(model: PlanInterface) {

        let formData = model["value"];
        var pa = model["value"].planArray;

        for(let i=0; i<pa.length;i++) {
            if(pa[i].location_name != null) {
                let vp = {
                    'vehicle_make': [{
                        "id" : formData.vehicle_make,
                        "make_name" : this.vehicleDetails
                    'plan_name': [{
                        "id" : formData.plan_name,
                        "plan_name" : this.planDetails
                    'location': [{
                        "id" : "1",
                        "location_name" : pa[i].location_name,
                        "city" : pa[i].city,
                        "lat" : "0.00",
                        "long" : "0.00"
                    'plan_rate': (pa[i].rate_plan != null) ? pa[i].rate_plan : formData.rate_per_plan,
                    'total_free_km': (pa[i].total_free_km != null) ? pa[i].total_free_km : this.freeKm,
                    'additional_km_charges': (pa[i].additional_km_charges != null) ? pa[i].additional_km_charges : formData.rate_per_additional_km,
                    'minimum_hours': (pa[i].minimum_hours != null) ? pa[i].minimum_hours : this.bookinH,
                    'booking_cycle': (pa[i].booking_cycle != null) ? pa[i].booking_cycle : this.bookingCycle,
                    'rate_fuel_level': (pa[i].rate_fuel_level != null) ? pa[i].rate_fuel_level : this.fuleLevel,
                    'grace_period': (pa[i].grace_period != null) ? pa[i].grace_period : this.grace,
                    'security_deposit': (pa[i].security_deposit != null) ? pa[i].security_deposit : this.securityDeposit,
                    "organization" : [{
                        "id" : "1",
                        "name" : "Driven"
                    'modified_date': new Date()

                // SAVE DATA START
                if(this.route.snapshot.params['id']) {
                    this.updateVP(this.route.snapshot.params['id'], vp);
                } else {
                // SAVE DATA END


    // Insert data to vehiclemake
    saveVP(vp) {
        // Build data JSON
        vp['created_date'] = new Date();
        this.vpService.saveVehiclePlan(vp).then((result) => {
            let id = result['data']['_id'];
            this.openSnackBar("Saved vehicle plan successfully", "");
        }, (err) => {
            this.openSnackBar("Something went wrong! vehicle plan not saved", "");

    // Update vehiclemake details
    updateVP(id, vp) {
        this.vpService.updateVehiclePlan(id, vp).then((result) => {
            let id = result['data']['_id'];
            this.openSnackBar("Updated vehicle plan successfully", "");
        }, (err) => {
            this.openSnackBar("Something went wrong! vehicle plan not updated", "");

    // Get the all active plans
    getActivePlans() {
        this.plan.getActivePlans().then((res) => {
         if(res['status'] == 'success'){
            this.activePlans = res['data'];     
            this.activePlanKey = Object.keys(this.activePlans);
              this.openSnackBar(res['data']['message'], "");
        }, (err) => {

    // Get the all active plans
    getActiveVehicleMake() {
        this.vmService.getActiveVehicleMake().then((res) => {
         if(res['status'] == 'success'){
            this.activeMake = res['data'];      
            this.activeMakeKey = Object.keys(this.activeMake);
              this.openSnackBar(res['data']['message'], "");
        }, (err) => {
    // Get the all Locations for plans gruped by city
    getCityForPlan() {
        this.locationService.getCityForPlan().then((res) => {
         if(res['status'] == 'success'){
   = res['data'];        
            this.cityKey = Object.keys(;
              this.openSnackBar(res['data']['message'], "");
        }, (err) => {

    async getLocForPlan() {
        let res = await this.locationService.getLocForPlan();
        if(res['status'] == 'success') {
            this.loc = res['data'];
            this.locKey = Object.keys(this.loc);
        } else {
            this.openSnackBar(res['data']['message'], "");

    // used to display the alert message 
    openSnackBar(message: string, action: string) {, action, {
            duration: 2000,

    initPlans(planVals) {
            city_name:              [planVals['city_name']],
            city :                  [planVals['city']],
            is_active:              [planVals['is_active']],
            location_name:          [planVals['location_name']],
            rate_plan:              [planVals['rate_plan']],
            total_free_km:          [planVals['total_free_km']],
            additional_km_charges:  [planVals['additional_km_charges']],
            minimum_hours:          [planVals['minimum_hours']],
            booking_cycle:          [planVals['booking_cycle']],
            rate_fuel_level:        [planVals['rate_fuel_level']],
            grace_period:           [planVals['grace_period']],
            security_deposit:       [planVals['security_deposit']]

    addEditValues() {
        let len = this.locKey.length;
        const control = <FormArray>this.form.controls['planArray'];
        if(len) { control.removeAt(0); }
        for(let i=0;i<len;i++) {
            // DEFAULT NULL
            this.planVals['city'] = null;
            this.planVals['location_name'] = null;
            this.planVals['is_active'] = null;
            this.planVals['rate_plan'] = null;
            this.planVals['total_free_km'] = null;
            this.planVals['additional_km_charges'] = null;
            this.planVals['minimum_hours'] = null;
            this.planVals['booking_cycle'] = null;
            this.planVals['rate_fuel_level'] = null;
            this.planVals['grace_period'] = null;
            this.planVals['security_deposit'] = null;
            // DEFAULT NULL
            this.planVals['city_name'] = this.loc[i]._id[0];
            let lenInner = this.loc[i].locations.length;
            for(let k=0;k<lenInner;k++) {
                if(this.loc[i].locations[k].is_active) {
                    // UPDATED DATA FROM DB
                    if(this.planID && this.vehicleID) {
                        this.planVals['city'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].city[0];
                        this.planVals['location_name'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].location_name;
                        this.getVPDetails(this.planID,this.vehicleID,this.planVals['location_name'],this.planVals['city']).then((res: any) => {
                            if(res['status'] == 'success') {
                                if(k==0) {
                                    this.planVals['city_name'] = this.loc[i]._id[0];
                                    control.push(this.initPlans(this.planVals)); //#### PUSH INTO FORMARRAY ####
                                // FROM DB
                                this.planVals['rate_plan'] = res['data'][0]['plan_rate'];
                                this.planVals['total_free_km'] = res['data'][0]['total_free_km'];
                                this.planVals['additional_km_charges'] = res['data'][0]['additional_km_charges'];
                                this.planVals['minimum_hours'] = res['data'][0]['minimum_hours'];
                                this.planVals['booking_cycle'] = res['data'][0]['booking_cycle'];
                                this.planVals['rate_fuel_level'] = res['data'][0]['rate_fuel_level'];
                                this.planVals['grace_period'] = res['data'][0]['grace_period'];
                                this.planVals['security_deposit'] = res['data'][0]['security_deposit'];
                                // FROM DB
                                this.planVals['city_name'] = null;
                                this.planVals['is_active'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].is_active;
                                this.planVals['city'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].city[0];
                                this.planVals['location_name'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].location_name;
                                control.push(this.initPlans(this.planVals)); //#### PUSH INTO FORMARRAY ####
                            } else {
                                if(k==0) {
                                    this.planVals['city_name'] = this.loc[i]._id[0];
                                    control.push(this.initPlans(this.planVals)); //#### PUSH INTO FORMARRAY ####
                                // BLANK DATA AT FIRST
                                this.planVals['rate_plan'] = null;
                                this.planVals['total_free_km'] = null;
                                this.planVals['additional_km_charges'] = null;
                                this.planVals['minimum_hours'] = null;
                                this.planVals['booking_cycle'] = null;
                                this.planVals['rate_fuel_level'] = null;
                                this.planVals['grace_period'] = null;
                                this.planVals['security_deposit'] = null;
                                // BLANK DATA AT FIRST
                                this.planVals['city_name'] = null;
                                this.planVals['city'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].city[0];
                                this.planVals['is_active'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].is_active;
                                this.planVals['location_name'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].location_name;
                                control.push(this.initPlans(this.planVals)); //#### PUSH INTO FORMARRAY ####
                    } else {
                        if(k==0) {
                            this.planVals['city_name'] = this.loc[i]._id[0];
                            control.push(this.initPlans(this.planVals)); //#### PUSH INTO FORMARRAY ####
                        // BLANK DATA AT FIRST
                        this.planVals['rate_plan'] = null;
                        this.planVals['total_free_km'] = null;
                        this.planVals['additional_km_charges'] = null;
                        this.planVals['minimum_hours'] = null;
                        this.planVals['booking_cycle'] = null;
                        this.planVals['rate_fuel_level'] = null;
                        this.planVals['grace_period'] = null;
                        this.planVals['security_deposit'] = null;
                        // BLANK DATA AT FIRST
                        this.planVals['city_name'] = null;
                        this.planVals['city'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].city[0];
                        this.planVals['is_active'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].is_active;
                        this.planVals['location_name'] = this.loc[i].locations[k].location_name;
                        control.push(this.initPlans(this.planVals)); //#### PUSH INTO FORMARRAY ####

    removeFormArray() {
        this.planVals = [];
        const control = <FormArray>this.form.controls['planArray'];
        for (var i = control.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {

    removeInput(i: number) {
        const control = <FormArray>this.form.controls['planArray'];

    async getVPDetails(pid, vid, locname, cityname): Promise<any> {
        return await this.vpService.getVehiclePlansInfo({plan_id: pid, make_id: vid, loc: locname, city: cityname});

    // used to populate the  default security deposit & fule level
       this.vmService.showVehicleMake(value['value']).then((res) => {           
            this.securityDeposit = res['data']['base_security_deposit'];
            this.fuleLevel = res['data']['rate_per_fuel_level'];
            this.makeName = value['value'];
            this.vehicleID = res['data']['_id'];
            this.vehicleDetails = res['data']['brand_name'] + ' ' + res['data']['make_name'] + ' ' + res['data']['model_name'];
            return false;
      }, (err) => {
    // used to prepopulate the default value min booking h, h/ booking cycle, free km, grace time
    //bookinH : string; bookingCycle : string; freeKm : string; grace : string;
    selectPlan(value) {
        this.plan.getPlansInfo(value['value']).then((res) => {
            this.bookinH = res['data']['min_booking_hours'];
            this.bookingCycle = res['data']['hours_per_booking_cycle'];
            this.freeKm = res['data']['free_km_per_booking_cycle'];
            this.grace = res['data']['grace_period_in_hours'];
            this.planName = value['value'];
            this.planDetails = res['data']['plan_name'];
            this.planID = res['data']['_id'];
            return false;
      }, (err) => {
    // get the all plans on change of plans and vehicle make
        if(this.planName != ''  && this.makeName != '' ) {
            //const control = <FormArray>this.form.controls['planArray'];
            //control.controls = [];

    // update the plan screen with default values
        var rate_plan = $('.rate_per_plan').val();      var additional_km_charges = $('.rate_per_additional_km').val();
        var security_deposit = this.securityDeposit;    var grace_period = this.grace;        
        var rate_fuel_level = this.fuleLevel;           var booking_cycle = this.bookingCycle;        
        var minimum_hours = this.bookinH;               var total_free_km = this.freeKm;

        $('.security_deposit, .grace_period, .rate_fuel_level, .booking_cycle, .minimum_hours, .additional_km_charges, .total_free_km, .rate_plan').each(function(){
        return false;

        var val = $('#'+value).val();
        if(val == "true"){
            $('.'+value).prop('checked', true); 
        } else {
            $('.'+value).prop('checked', false); 

        $('#'+value).prop('checked', false);



I am using TypeScript in MeanStack and using a function with async because it was not working in sequential order

// Calling Function (In Main.ts file)
let rs = getVPDetails("2132");

// Function Definition (In Main.ts file)
async getVPDetails(pid) {
    let res = await this.vpService.getPlansInfo({plan_id: pid});
    return res;

// Middle Ware (IN service.ts file)
  getPlansInfo(data) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'/vehicle-plan/plan-info', data)
          .map(res => res.json())
          .subscribe(res => {
          }, (err) => {

I am getting the exact value while returning res (in "return res;") as I require. But in rs (Where I call), I am getting a value like this:

ZoneAwarePromise {__zone_symbol__state: null, __zone_symbol__value: Array(0)}

In __zone_symbol__value I am having my data as I require but by no means I am able to access it. I know that I am breaking the Promise object but how can I resolve it exactly when I dont want to use then() in getVPDetails();

Please let me know what am I missing OR how can I get the data I require.

Thanks in advance.

Upvotes: 9

Views: 24023

Answers (1)

Poul Kruijt
Poul Kruijt

Reputation: 71961

Once you add async to a method, it will always return a Promise<T>. Where T is whatever you return, string, void, w/e.

That's the whole idea of async, and the only way to get the right value is to use then. Your async here is actually not necessary, because you are returning another Promise, but that's beside the point :)

Best would be to use type hints, otherwise there is no real reason to use TypeScript. This way the compiler gives you the hints and errors, and you would have been notified of your error:

getVPDetails("2132").then((rs: PlanInfo) => {
    // here you will have your `rs`

// Function Definition (using async/await as demonstration)
async getVPDetails(pid): Promise<PlanInfo> {
    return await this.vpService.getPlansInfo({plan_id: pid});

// Middle Ware
getPlansInfo(data): Promise<PlanInfo> {
    return'/vehicle-plan/plan-info', data)
          .map(res => res.json())

Upvotes: 11

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