Reputation: 26865
A rather unusual situation perhaps, but I want to specify a private SSH-key to use when executing a shell (git
) command from the local computer.
Basically like this:
git clone [email protected]:TheUser/TheProject.git -key "/home/christoffer/ssh_keys/theuser"
Or even better (in Ruby):
with_key("/home/christoffer/ssh_keys/theuser") do
sh("git clone [email protected]:TheUser/TheProject.git")
I have seen examples of connecting to a remote server with Net::SSH
that uses a specified private key, but this is a local command. Is it possible?
Upvotes: 1883
Views: 2139725
Reputation: 97
I feel I have the most elegant solution. The problem for me is caused by having multiple github accounts and not being able to add the same key on multiple accounts.
So create a script somewhere like ~/scripts/
ssh -i ~/.ssh/altkey/id_rsa $1 $2
Make it executable chmod +x
Add a line to .bashrc
alias gitalt="GIT_SSH=~/scripts/ git"
Run a new terminal so it gets loaded and use it like normal git.
gitalt clone [email protected]:yourorganization/reponame.git
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1907
I just needed to add the key and then rerun the git clone.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_mynewkey
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
git clone [email protected]:mycompany/myrepo.git
Upvotes: 20
Reputation: 455
If you are getting an SSH permission denied Error when running commands like git push, pull, or fetch even after you have copied your SSH public key to GitHub.
when you're in a local git repo,
but use--global
when you want to apply to all repos
Use this:
git config --add --local core.sshCommand 'ssh -i /path-to-ssh-private-key'
git config --add --local core.sshCommand 'ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/github-key'
You're done!
Optionally you can verify your change with this:
git config --local --get core.sshCommand
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 1804
In my case I've got two accounts with different ssh keys. I wanted to clone a repository, so how i did it:
id_ed25519 - is the name of second key, usually default key is: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
If you use a Github you can check correct auth with command below:
$ ssh -T -p 443 [email protected]
Clone or Pull code with command below:
(for the first time)
$ git clone [email protected]:username/path-somewhere.git
(for the next time)
$ git pull
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 23553
None of these solutions worked for me.
Instead, I elaborate on @Martin v. Löwis 's mention of setting a config
file for SSH.
SSH will look for the user's ~/.ssh/config
file. I have mine setup as:
Host gitserv
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.github
IdentitiesOnly yes # see NOTES below
AddKeysToAgent yes
And I add a remote git repository:
git remote add origin git@gitserv:myrepo.git
(or clone a fresh copy of the repo with git@gitserv:myrepo.git
as address)
And then git commands work normally for me.
git push -v origin master
If you have submodules, you can also execute the following in the repo directory, to force the submodules to use the same key:
git config url.git@gitserv:.insteadOf
The IdentitiesOnly yes
is required to prevent the SSH default behavior of sending the identity file matching the default filename for each protocol. If you have a file named ~/.ssh/id_rsa
that will get tried BEFORE your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.github
without this option.
AddKeysToAgent yes
lets you avoid reentering the key passphrase every time.
You can also add User git
to avoid writing git@
every time.
Upvotes: 1753
Reputation: 1328012
With git 2.10+ (Q3 2016: released Sept. 2d, 2016), you have the possibility to set a config for GIT_SSH_COMMAND
(and not just an environment variable as described in Rober Jack Will's answer)
See commit 3c8ede3 (26 Jun 2016) by Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy (pclouds
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster
-- in commit dc21164, 19 Jul 2016)
A new configuration variable
has been added to specify what value forGIT_SSH_COMMAND
to use per repository.core.sshCommand:
If this variable is set,
git fetch
andgit push
will use the specified command instead ofssh
when they need to connect to a remote system.
The command is in the same form as theGIT_SSH_COMMAND
environment variable and is overridden when the environment variable is set.
It means the git pull
can be:
cd /path/to/my/repo/already/cloned
git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i private_key_file'
# later on
git pull
When cloning a new repo, where there is not yet any .git/config
to modify, can first set it for just one command like git clone
or git submodule add
git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -i private_key_file" clone host:repo.git
Once the repo exists you can set the option permanently in the .git/config
cd <repo or submodule you just cloned>
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i private_key_file"
This is easier than setting a GIT_SSH_COMMAND
environment variable, which, on Windows, as noted by Mátyás Kuti-Kreszács, would be
set "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -i private_key_file"
For all those commands, you can add a -o IdentitiesOnly=yes
to limit SSH to the the private/public key you are specifying:
git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i private_key_file -o IdentitiesOnly=yes'
# or
git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -i private_key_file -o IdentitiesOnly=yes" clone host:repo.git
# or
set "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -i private_key_file -o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
gsullins suggests in the comments to adds to the .zshrc
the following alias:
alias git.key1="git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i <absolute path to private key>'"
As noted by Jaredo Mills in a comment:
One pitfall: if you mirror your repo to more than one host (Github, Gitlab), with different private keys, this method will send the wrong key.
The key is not associated with the repo, but with a username and hostname.~/.ssh/config
is the right place to get the association right, and it has the right matching capabilities for the job (seeman ssh_config
See HeyWatchThis's answer for illustration.
Upvotes: 431
Reputation: 555
Also, as a simple "workaround", if you don't really need it that often:
Remove all ssh identities from the currently running ssh agent (not physically).
ssh-add -D
Re-add the one you need to work with to your currently running ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/MyProperProfile
Do the gits
Optionally - revert by adding other identities (or all of 'em).
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 90
I was able to resolve this requirement with following command option to git clone --config core.sshCommand="ssh -i /d/repos/ssh/prod-a/.ssh/id_ed25519"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 280
Why don't you just add location of identity key to git config file for a particular repo like this:
cd .git
vi config
sshCommand = ssh -i <IDENTITY_KEY_LOCATION> -o IdentitiesOnly=yes
That's all you need.
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 929
Don't overcomplicate things, just use ssh-add
to add a temporary identity
alias gpullpersonal='ssh-add mykey;git pull;ssh-add -D'
alias gpullprofessional='ssh-add myotherkey;git pull;ssh-add -D'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 433
Clone in one command
git -c core.sshCommand='ssh -i /path/to/key/' clone [email protected]:your_repository.git /path/target/clone --branch git_branch_name
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 151201
This command clones the repo and configures the SSH key to use permanently:
git clone -c "core.sshCommand=ssh -i ~/.ssh/<key>" [email protected]:<user>/<repo>.git
Now, if you run git fetch
, git pull
, or git push
, it will use the SSH key configured in core.sshCommand
(saved in .git/config
Upvotes: 47
Reputation: 762
Use case is I need to use both personal and work GitHub accounts using SSH. I want to use work SSH key as default as my projects will internally have other work repos as dependency. So cloning them should work seamlessly.
Steps I followed are:
Generate default SSH key and add it to work git account.
Generate personal SSH key in a separate file and add it to personal git account.
Add the following function code in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
file and source it.
gclone() {
# Clone the repo-url using personal ssh-key
git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -i path_to_personal_key" clone "$1" &&
# Extract repo name from URL using "awk" and switch to that folder using "cd"
cd $(awk '{ sub(/.*\//, ""); sub(/\.git.*/, ""); print }' <<< "$1") &&
# Set personal ssh-key as default for this repo
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i path_to_personal_key";
Use gclone
command to clone repos using personal SSH key and set the repo to use that key as default.
Use normal git clone
command to clone repos with default(work) SSH key.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 126
To have GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable work under Windows(CMD) instead of:
set GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i private_key_file"
set "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -i private_key_file"
The quote has to be like
set "variable=value"
Some backgorund:
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 3334
Most of the answers given here do not explain the details for the most basic usage.
After you have setup a server (in this case a linux
server) in the cloud, you connect to it using ssh from the terminal.
From your computer, add the private key dyson-ubuntu-vm.pem
which is given to you by your cloud services provider such as Azure, AWS etc to your .ssh configuration on your local machine like this:
Copy the .pem
file to the /home/ssenyonjo/.ssh
folder, then open /home/ssenyonjo/.ssh/config
file and add the following entry:
User Dyson
IdentityFile /home/ssenyonjo/.ssh/dyson-ubuntu-vm.pem
IdentitiesOnly yes
Now from your terminal, access the cloud linux server like so:
ssh [email protected]
When that works, create a git project on the cloud server like so:
Dyson@dyson-ubuntu-vm:~/projects$ git init --bare s2
Now come back to your local machine and clone that empty repository like so:
ssenyonjo@ssenyonjo-pc:~/Projects/mastering-git$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/home/Dyson/projects/s2
If you see an error that looks something like: fatal: Could not read from remote repository
, It means you're accessing the wrong folder. Ensure you have outlined the right path from the root to the created repository.
If you dont want to setup a config file but want to access the ssh server that requires a key, you can use below command:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/Projects/aws/keys/aws_ubuntu.pem' git clone ssh://[email protected]/home/ubuntu/projects/mastering-git/rand
You can export the command to continue using it for other tasks like git push
and git pull
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/Projects/aws/keys/aws_ubuntu.pem'
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 3993
The fastest and simplest way of doing it is by:
Clone your repo with ssh:
git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your_key>" clone [email protected]:<user>/<repo>.git
then cd
into you cloned repo and:
git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your_key>'
To test it's working:
git --git-dir=/path/to/repo/.git pull
So you may wonder: why my created ssh key does not work after I planted the .pub in github and the private is in the default directory?
The documentation gives us a command that clarifies the issue:
ssh -vT [email protected]
The output shows a list of ssh keys names git looks for. So, you may want to create your key with one of those names, or use the above process to include the one you need.
Upvotes: 69
Reputation: 12373
Say you have an ubuntu server on aws, which you normally connect to like this:
% ssh -i blah/yourkeypair.pem [email protected]
In terminal just
% export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /Users/fattie/Desktop/blah/yourkeypair.pem"
After you have done that. You can then freely ...
% git clone [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/teste.git
That will clone the repo on your server to your local folder "teste",
you can then freely when in teste/ do the usual commands such as ...
% git push origin master
and so on.
Note also:
As for on the server, it seems you basically
] git clone --bare the-actual-folder teste.git
and then in teste.git
] git init --bare --shared
Upvotes: 19
Reputation: 579
From Git version 2.10.0, you can configure this per repo or globally
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_example -o 'IdentitiesOnly yes'"
This will specify for the current repo what ssh key will use. I assume if you want to specify this global only need to set the --global
Upvotes: 42
Reputation: 179
In Windows with Git Bash you can use the following to add a repository
ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add "key-address"; git remote add origin "rep-address"'
for example:
ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add /d/test/PrivateKey.ppk; git remote add origin [email protected]:test/test.git'
Which private key is in drive D, folder test of computer. Also if you want to clone a repository, you can change git remote add origin
with git clone
After enter this to Git Bash, it will ask you for passphrase!
Be Aware that openssh private key and putty private key are different!
If you have created your keys with puttygen, you must convert your private key to openssh!
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 11591
Starting from Git 2.3.0 we also have the simple command (no config file needed):
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i private_key_file -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' git clone user@host:repo.git
Note the -o IdentitiesOnly=yes
is required to prevent the SSH default behavior of sending the identity file matching the default filename for each protocol as noted in the answer above.
Upvotes: 959
Reputation: 109
The problem with this method is, at least when running by bash.exe on Windows, that it will create a new process every time which will remain dormant.
ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add /somewhere/yourkey; git clone [email protected]:user/project.git'
If you want want to use that for syncig repo on schedule then you need to add "&& ssh-agent -k" at the end.
Something like:
ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add C:/Users/user/.ssh/your_key; git -C "C:\Path\to\your\repo" pull && ssh-agent -k'
ssh-agent -k will kill the process when it's done.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 37
You can try sshmulti npm package for maintaining multiple ssh key.
Upvotes: -6
Reputation: 22208
A lot of good answers, but some of them assume prior administration knowledge.
I think it is important to explicitly emphasize that if you started your project by cloning the web URL
then you need to make sure that the url
value under [remote "origin"]
in the .git/config
was changed to the SSH URL (see code block below).
With addition to that make sure that you add the sshCommmand
as mentioned below:
user@workstation:~/workspace/project-name/.git$ cat config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
sshCommand = ssh -i ~/location-of/.ssh/private_key -F /dev/null <--Check that this command exist
[remote "origin"]
url = [email protected]:<user-name>/<project-name>.git <-- Make sure its the SSH URL and not the WEB URL
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
Read more about it here.
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 2939
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /path/to/git-private-access-key" git clone $git_repo
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /path/to/git-private-access-key"
git clone REPO
git push
Upvotes: 50
Reputation: 1577
The problem is when you have different remote repositories on the same host (say, and you want to interact with them using different ssh keys (i.e. different GitHub accounts).
In order to do that:
First you should declare your different keys in ~/.ssh/config
# Key for usual repositories on
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Key for a particular repository on
Host XXX
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_other_rsa
By doing this you associate the second key with a new friendly name "XXX" for
Then you must change the remote origin of your particular repository, so that it uses the friendly name you've just defined.
Go to your local repository folder within a command prompt, and display the current remote origin:
>git remote -v
origin [email protected]:myuser/myrepo.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:myuser/myrepo.git (push)
Then change origin with:
>git remote set-url origin git@XXX:myuser/myrepo.git
>git remote -v
origin git@XXX:myuser/myrepo.git (fetch)
origin git@XXX:myuser/myrepo.git (push)
Now you can push, fetch... with the right key automatically.
Upvotes: 116
Reputation: 4046
If none of the other solutions here work for you, and you have created multiple ssh-keys, but still cannot do simple things like
git pull
then assuming you have two ssh key files like
then inside of the git repo, try:
# Run these commands INSIDE your git directory
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_other_key
and also make sure your github default username and userid are correct by:
# Run these commands INSIDE your git directory
git config "Mona Lisa"
git config "[email protected]"
See for more more information.
Upvotes: 19
Reputation: 462
if you have directory on your path where you want to sign with a given identifyfile you can specify to use a specific identify file via the .ssh/config file by setting the ControlPath
ControlPath ~/Projects/work/**
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_work
User git
Then ssh
will use the specified identity file when doing git commands under the given work path.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 31246
If you're like me, you can:
Keep your ssh keys organized
Keep your git clone commands simple
Handle any number of keys for any number of repositories.
Reduce your ssh key maintenance.
I keep my keys in my ~/.ssh/keys
I prefer convention over configuration.
I think code is law; the simpler it is, the better.
STEP 1 - Create Alias
Add this alias to your shell: alias git-clone='GIT_SSH=ssh_wrapper git clone'
STEP 2 - Create Script
Add this ssh_wrapper script to your PATH:
# Filename: ssh_wrapper
if [ -z ${SSH_KEY} ]; then
SSH_KEY='' # <= Default key
ssh -i "${SSH_KEY}" "$@"
Use key: git-clone
The following example also uses the key (by default):
Use key: git-clone [email protected]:dave_andersen/exchange.git
Change the default SSH_KEY in the ssh_wrapper script to what you use most of the time. That way, you don't need to use the KEY variable most of the time.
You may think, "Hey! That's a lot going on with an alias, a script and some directory of keys," but for me it's convention. Nearly all my workstations (and servers for that matter) are configured similarly.
My goal here is to simplify the commands that I execute regularly.
My conventions, e.g., Bash scripts, aliases, etc., create a consistent environment and helps me keep things simple.
KISS and names matter.
For more design tips check out Chapter 4 SOLID Design in Go from my book:
Hope that helps. - Lex
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 75
You need to create a ~/.ssh/config as below
Host <Your bitbucket server>
User <userid>
Hostname <Your bitbucket server as above>
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa<file> This is your private key file
permission as below
-rw------- $HOME/.ssh/config
Add your public key into your git (cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pub [or simillar name])
and then git clone as below
git clone ssh://[email protected]/userid/test.git
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 151787
To sum up answers and comments, the best way to set up git to use different key files and then forget about it, which also supports different users for the same host (e.g. a personal GitHub account and a work one), which works on Windows as well, is to edit ~/.ssh/config
(or c:\Users\<your user>\.ssh\config
) and specify multiple identities:
IdentityFile /path/to/your/personal/github/private/key
User dandv
Host github-work
IdentityFile /path/to/your/work/github/private/key
User workuser
Then, to clone a project as your personal user, just run the regular git clone
To clone the repo as the workuser
, run git clone git@github-work:company/project.git
Upvotes: 167