Reputation: 103
I need to set the permissions for "Everyone" to Change and Read with PowerShell on a shared folder. I don't know how to do it, can you help me?
The following code works fine on Windows Server 2012. I need to run it on Windows Server 2008:
[WMICLASS]"Win32_Share"|%{$_.Create($path,$sharefoldername,0)} | Out-Null
Grant-SmbShareAccess -name $sharefoldername -CimSession $Server -AccountName Everyone -AccessRight Change –Force | Out-Null
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Views: 2245
Reputation: 103
The working answer that I found is this:
#Username/Group to give permissions to
$trustee = ([wmiclass]'Win32_trustee').psbase.CreateInstance()
$trustee.Domain = $null
$trustee.Name = "Everyone"
#Accessmask values
#$fullcontrol = 2032127
$change = 1245631
#$read = 1179785
#Create access-list
$ace = ([wmiclass]'Win32_ACE').psbase.CreateInstance()
$ace.AccessMask = $change
$ace.AceFlags = 3
$ace.AceType = 0
$ace.Trustee = $trustee
#Securitydescriptor containting access
$sd = ([wmiclass]'Win32_SecurityDescriptor').psbase.CreateInstance()
$sd.ControlFlags = 4
$sd.DACL = $ace
$ = $trustee
$sd.owner = $trustee
$share = Get-WmiObject Win32_Share -List -ComputerName $server
$share.create($advsharing, $sharefoldername, 0, "16777216", "Description"", $sd)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 694
Take a look at the SmbShare cmdlets:
Import-Module SmbShare
Get-Command -Noun Smb*
for an existing share you can use Grand-SmbShareAccess, you can use Get-Help to get some examples how it is used.
Get-Help Grant-SmbShareAccess -Examples
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