Reputation: 61
I require to create excel files (with multiple sheets) using .net on a production server (Windows Server 2008) where Microsoft Office is not installed. Can this be fulfilled with the help of VS2010 and Windows Server 2008. or is there any way to achieve this by using office webapps.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 17633
Reputation: 1
Try this:
Sub exportExcel(ByVal grdView As DataGridView, ByVal fileName As String, _
ByVal fileExtension As String, ByVal filePath As String)
' Choose the path, name, and extension for the Excel file
Dim myFile As String = filePath & "\" & fileName & fileExtension
' Open the file and write the headers
Dim fs As New IO.StreamWriter(myFile, False)
fs.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0""?>")
fs.WriteLine("<?mso-application progid=""Excel.Sheet""?>")
fs.WriteLine("<ss:Workbook xmlns:ss=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"">")
' Create the styles for the worksheet
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Styles>")
' Style for the column headers
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Style ss:ID=""1"">")
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Font ss:Bold=""1""/>")
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Alignment ss:Horizontal=""Center"" ss:Vertical=""Center"" " & _
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Interior ss:Color=""#C0C0C0"" ss:Pattern=""Solid""/>")
fs.WriteLine(" </ss:Style>")
' Styles for the column information
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Style ss:ID=""2"">")
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Alignment ss:Vertical=""Center"" ss:WrapText=""1""/>")
fs.WriteLine(" </ss:Style>")
fs.WriteLine(" </ss:Styles>")
' Write the worksheet contents
fs.WriteLine("<ss:Worksheet ss:Name=""EasyWorks"">")
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Table>")
For i As Integer = 0 To grdView.Columns.Count - 1
fs.WriteLine(String.Format(" <ss:Column ss:Width=""{0}""/>", _
fs.WriteLine(" <ss:Row>")
For i As Integer = 0 To grdView.Columns.Count - 1
If grdView.Columns(i).Visible Then
fs.WriteLine(String.Format(" <ss:Cell ss:StyleID=""1"">" & _
"<ss:Data ss:Type=""String"">{0}</ss:Data></ss:Cell>", _
End If
fs.WriteLine(" </ss:Row>")
' Check for an empty row at the end due to Adding allowed on the DataGridView
Dim subtractBy As Integer, cellText As String
If grdView.AllowUserToAddRows = True Then subtractBy = 2 Else subtractBy = 1
' Write contents for each cell
For i As Integer = 0 To grdView.RowCount - subtractBy
If grdView.Rows(i).Visible Then
fs.WriteLine(String.Format(" <ss:Row ss:Height=""{0}"">", _
For intCol As Integer = 0 To grdView.Columns.Count - 1
If grdView.Columns(intCol).Visible Then
cellText = grdView.Item(intCol, i).Value.ToString
' Check for null cell and change it to empty to avoid error
If cellText = vbNullString Then cellText = ""
fs.WriteLine(String.Format(" <ss:Cell ss:StyleID=""2"">" & _
"<ss:Data ss:Type=""String"">{0}</ss:Data></ss:Cell>", _
End If
fs.WriteLine(" </ss:Row>")
End If
' Close up the document
fs.WriteLine(" </ss:Table>")
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR: ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
myFile = Nothing
fs = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 939
I use the OpenXML SDK which is intended for that purpose. It doesn't allow you to actually calculate and run functions in a server environment but its very good for creating and manipulating workbooks.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 91
If the target is office 2007 or 2010, you can try with this free library
If the target is <= to 2003 you can try with GemBox.Spreadsheet
The free version is limited to : Maximum number of rows per sheet is 150. Maximum number of sheets per workbook is 5.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7906
You can use this library:
It skips use of Excel binaries, in favor of the Excel XML format, therefore writing plain, simple text which Excel can understand and render properly.
Upvotes: 0