Reputation: 21
I am trying to add this function curve to a histogram. Individually, they work. But when I try to put them on the same graph, the function messes up... I can't seem to figure out how to get them together.
# make dataframe for ggplot (can use random numbers from 0 to 10 to simulate x)
c= data.frame(x= x, cx= c(seq(from= 0.001, to= 10, by= 0.001)))
x and cx have the same number of data points.
# function for curve (alpha and beta are just constants set at 0.5)
fx= function(x){
When either the geom_histogram or the stat_function is commented out, the graph works correctly.
# graph code
h_x= ggplot(data= NULL) +
geom_histogram(data= c, aes(x= x, y= ..density..), binwidth= 0.2, col= "purple", fill= "yellow") +
stat_function(fun= fx, data= c, aes(x= cx)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim= c(0:10)) +
labs(title= "Figure 03", x= "x")
Curve by itself
Histogram and curve together
Upvotes: 2
Views: 850
Reputation: 21
Thanks for the help! I ended up figuring out the problem... It's because there was some large values (greater than 100) for my x values, when I removed these points, the graph looked much better!
But now my graph looks like this:
n= 10000
i= 1
alpha= 0.5
beta= 0.5
x= matrix(data= 5, nrow= n)
lambda= matrix(data= 1.5, nrow= n)
while (i < n) {
x[i+1]= rexp(1, rate= lambda[i])
lambda[i+1]= (x[i+1]+beta)^(alpha+1)*(lambda[i]^alpha)*exp(-lambda[i]*(x[i+1]+beta))
if ((lambda[i+1] < 0.00001) || (lambda[i+1] > 10)) {
while ((lambda[i+1] < 0.00001) || (lambda[i+1] > 10)) {
x[i+1]= rexp(1, rate= lambda[i])
lambda[i+1]= (x[i+1]+beta)^(alpha+1)*(lambda[i]^alpha)*exp(-lambda[i]*(x[i+1]+beta))
i= i+1
# data frame:
df4= data.frame(x= x[x<100], cx= c(seq(from= 0.011, to= 10, by= 0.001)))
# graph (same function (fx) from first post):
h_x= ggplot(data= df4) +
geom_histogram(aes(x= x, y= ..density..), binwidth= 0.2, col= "purple", fill= "yellow") +
stat_function(fun= fx) +
coord_cartesian(xlim= c(0:10)) +
labs(title= "Figure 03", x= "x")
Is there any way to make it a smooth curve? I tried scale_x_continuous but to no avail...
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Reputation: 24252
Like @Gregor, I made some changes to your code and the graph looks OK.
I hope it can help you.
x <- rgamma(10000,1)
df1 <- data.frame(x= x, cx= c(seq(from= 0.001, to= 10, by= 0.001)))
beta <- alpha <- 0.5
fx <- function(x) {
# graph code
h_x <- ggplot(data=df1) +
geom_histogram(aes(x= x, y= ..density..), binwidth= 0.2, col= "purple", fill= "yellow") +
stat_function(fun=fx, aes(x=cx), lwd=1) +
coord_cartesian(xlim= c(0:10)) +
labs(title= "Figure 03", x="x")
Upvotes: 1