Reputation: 83
I have a dynamic query as shown below. The @ColumnNames
param has multiple columns this pivot is using. @ID
and @Apartment_ID
come from insert parameters.
SET @DynamicSQL = 'select id, name, address, phone, remarks, ' + **@ColumnNames** + '
from (select, name, criteria_id, impact_value, remarks
from dbo.User u
inner join dbo.ID b on =
where b.Instance_ID = '+ **@Id** +
'and ownerID in (select * from fnSplitString(''' + **@Apartment_ID** + + ''',' + ''',''' + '))'
+ ') as t
pivot (max(impact_value) for criteria_id in (' + **@ColumnNames**+')
) pivoted '
Exec sp_executesql @DynamicSQL
will be get a result as shown in the screenshot. The columns (91, 92,..) are not fixed that get from @ColumnNames
I want to insert this dynamic result set into temp table to make sorts function.
Declare @SQLstrs nvarchar(max)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempResult') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tempResult
CREATE TABLE #tempResult
id int,
name nvarchar(max),
address nvarchar(max),
phone nvarchar(max),
Remarks nvarchar(max),
--EXEC (@Alter_sql);
SET @SQLstrs = 'Insert into #tempResult ' + @DynamicSQL
Since temp table need to include the fixed columns, how can I set up the dynamic columns that can't know how many columns will be insert ?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1915
Reputation: 21
try to use select into
SET @SQLstrs = 'select * into #tempResult from(' + @DynamicSQL +') as _temp'
Upvotes: 1