I tried to list all charges of my Stripe account to get a list of the statement_descriptor (my products) but I there is an error which says cannot find charge...
$off = 0;
$has_more = True;
$listeProducts = array();
ini_set('max_execution_time', 2000);
$req = \Stripe\Charge::all(array("limit" => 100, "starting_after" => $off));
$res = json_decode($req->__toJSON(), true);
foreach($res["data"] as &$prodUni){
array_push($listeProducts, $prodUni["statement_descriptor"]);
$has_more = $res["has_more"];
$off += 100;
$_SESSION["products"] = $listeProducts;
Here is the error message :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest' with message 'No such charge: 0' in C:\wamp64\www\...\stripe-php-5.1.3\lib\ApiRequestor.php:124 from API request '...' in C:\wamp64\www\...\stripe-php-5.1.3\lib\ApiRequestor.php on line 124
I cant put "offset" because deprecated and it does same thing with ending before.
The issue is that I put 0 but charge ID is required.... I don't want to put charge ID there... I need to do like if I had offset
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1349
Reputation: 5651
The Stripe API offers an autopagination feature:
This feature easily handles fetching large lists of resources without having to manually paginate results and perform subsequent requests.
Adapted from the docs, this will do the trick nicely (and is much easier to read):
* Automatically go through _all_ charges, fetching the data in chunks/pages of
* 100 results.
$charges = \Stripe\Charge::all(["limit" => 100]);
foreach ($charges->autoPagingIterator() as $charge) {
// Do something with $charge
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Fist part of answer to the question is getting the first 100 before you check for has_more.
But after that, I cannt retrieve the first charge, dont forget that when we retrieve with Stripe API the list is in the REVERSE ORDER !!! So I have to get the last or the firt ?? How can I correct my code pease ? And is this line correct ? $lastId = $res["data"]["99"]["id"];
$req = \Stripe\Charge::all(array("limit" => 1, "starting_after" => $lastId));
$res = json_decode($req->__toJSON(), true);
$lastId = $res["data"]["99"]["id"];
$has_more = True;
foreach($res["data"] as &$chargeUni){
$req = \Stripe\Charge::all(array("limit" => 10, "starting_after" => $lastId));
$res = json_decode($req->__toJSON(), true);
$has_more = False;//$res["has_more"];
$lastId = $res["data"]["99"]["id"];
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Reputation: 6780
takes an object - ideally the last object in the previous fetched result.
Upvotes: 2