Reputation: 2062
I want to be able to have a Moo* class with these characteristics:
type so the reference must be of the right typeE.g.
package GraphQLType;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard -all;
has [qw(children)] => (
is => 'rwp',
isa => ArrayRef[InstanceOf['GraphQLType']],
required => 1,
package main;
my $type;
$type = GraphQLType->new(children => [$type]);
The above presents a chicken-and-egg problem: $type
will be undefined and therefore fail the type constraint.
A pattern used in graphql-js
is "thunking". In Perl terms:
package GraphQLType;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard -all;
has [qw(children)] => (
is => 'rwp',
isa => CodeRef | ArrayRef[InstanceOf['GraphQLType']],
required => 1,
package main;
my $type;
$type = GraphQLType->new(children => sub { [$type] });
While that works for the specific type there, how can I have a parameterised type that implements something like this? Also, it will help even more if this can hook into the "lazy" functionality to minimise the code involved in storing the computed value.
package Thunking;
use Moo;
use Types::Thunking -all;
use Types::Standard -all;
has [qw(children)] => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => Thunk[ArrayRef[InstanceOf['GraphQLType']]],
required => 1,
Upvotes: 1
Views: 203
Reputation: 2062
Two issues need to be dealt with here: a parameterised Type::Tiny
type constraint for a delayed-computation immutable attribute (DCIA), and an actually-functioning DCIA.
Since this is Perl, there is more than one way to do this. The heart of making a parameterised type in Type::Tiny
is to provide a constraint_generator
parameter. The most idiomatic way to do this, using only Type::Tiny
components, is:
package Types::Thunking;
use Types::TypeTiny -all;
use Type::Library -base;
use Type::Utils -all;
declare "Thunk", constraint_generator => sub { union [ CodeLike, @_ ] };
That's it! If no parameters are given, it works just like a CodeLike
. The libraries can take care of any "inline" code generating.
The reason it can be so short is that the constraint_generator
must return either a code-ref, which would probably be a closure that captures the parameters passed to it (see below), or simply a Type::Tiny
- in which case the other parameterisability parameters are not needed. Since union
(which looks like it's normally intended for producing arguments to a declare
) returns a suitably-constructed Type::Tiny::Union
, it just drops in perfectly.
A more spelled-out version, not using a union type (and for brevity, using CodeRef
not CodeLike
package Types::Thunking;
use Types::Standard -all;
use Type::Library -base;
use Type::Utils -all;
declare "Thunk",
constraint_generator => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
die "parameter must be a type" if grep !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'Type::Tiny'), @_;
return sub { is_CodeRef($_) or $param->check($_) };
inline_generator => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
die "parameter must be a type" if grep !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'Type::Tiny'), @_;
return sub {
my ($constraint, $varname) = @_;
return sprintf(
'Types::Standard::is_CodeRef(%s) or %s',
This is the "harness" I used for testing these:
use Thunking;
sub do_test {
use Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
my ($args, $should_work) = @_;
my $l = eval { Thunking->new(@$args) };
if (!$l) {
say "correctly did not work" and return if !$should_work;
say "INcorrectly did not work" and return if $should_work;
my $val = eval { $l->attr };
if (!$val) {
say "correctly did not work" and return if !$should_work;
say "INcorrectly did not work" and return if $should_work;
say(($should_work ? "" : "INcorrectly worked: "), Dumper $val);
do_test [attr => { k => "wrong type" }], 0;
do_test [attr => ["real value at init"]], 1;
do_test [attr => sub { [ "delayed" ] }], 1;
do_test [attr => sub { { k => "delayed wrong type" } }], 0;
In order to make this immutable, we want setting the attribute to fail unless it's us doing it. When reading the attribute, we want to see whether there is computation to be done; if yes, do it; then return the value.
package Thunking;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard -all;
use Types::Thunking -all;
has attr => (
is => 'rwp',
isa => Thunk[ArrayRef],
required => 1,
before 'attr' => sub {
my $self = shift;
return if @_; # attempt at setting, hand to auto
my $value = $self->{attr};
return if ref($value) ne 'CODE'; # attempt at reading and already resolved
The before
should be fairly self-explanatory but you will see it manually looks in the object's hash-ref, which is usually a clue that your programming is not finished yet. Also, it's rwp
and requires the before
in the class, which is far from pretty.
modulesAn approach that tries to generalise this with a separate module, MooX::Thunking
. First, another module to encapsulate overriding of Moo
package MooX::Utils;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moo ();
use Moo::Role ();
use Carp qw(croak);
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(override_function);
sub override_function {
my ($target, $name, $func) = @_;
my $orig = $target->can($name) or croak "Override '$target\::$name': not found";
my $install_tracked = Moo::Role->is_role($target) ? \&Moo::Role::_install_tracked : \&Moo::_install_tracked;
$install_tracked->($target, $name, sub { $func->($orig, @_) });
Now the thunking MooX
module itself, which uses the above to override has
package MooX::Thunking;
use MooX::Utils;
use Types::TypeTiny -all;
use Class::Method::Modifiers qw(install_modifier);
sub import {
my $target = scalar caller;
override_function($target, 'has', sub {
my ($orig, $name, %opts) = @_;
$orig->($name, %opts), return if $opts{is} ne 'thunked';
$opts{is} = 'ro';
$orig->($name, %opts); # so we have method to modify
install_modifier $target, 'before', $name => sub {
my $self = shift;
return if @_; # attempt at setting, hand to auto
my $value = $self->{$name};
return if !eval { CodeLike->($value); 1 }; # attempt at reading and already resolved
$self->{$name} = $value->();
$opts{isa}->($self->{$name}) if $opts{isa}; # validate
This applies "thunking" to an attribute. It will only function if the attribute is ro
, and will quietly resolve any CodeLike
values on reading. It can be used like this:
package Thunking;
use Moo;
use MooX::Thunking;
use Types::Standard -all;
use Types::Thunking -all;
has attr => (
is => 'thunked',
isa => Thunk[ArrayRef],
and lazy
An alternative approach, suggested by the mighty @haarg:
package MooX::Thunking;
use MooX::Utils;
use Types::TypeTiny -all;
use Class::Method::Modifiers qw(install_modifier);
sub import {
my $target = scalar caller;
override_function($target, 'has', sub {
my ($orig, $name, %opts) = @_;
$orig->($name, %opts), return if $opts{is} ne 'thunked';
$opts{is} = 'lazy';
my $gen_attr = "_gen_$name";
$orig->($gen_attr => (is => 'ro'));
$opts{builder} = sub { $_[0]->$gen_attr->(); };
install_modifier $target, 'around', 'BUILDARGS' => sub {
my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
my $args = $self->$orig(@_);
$args->{$gen_attr} = delete $args->{$name} if eval { CodeLike->($args->{$name}); 1 };
return $args;
$orig->($name, %opts);
It uses the built-in lazy
mechanism, creating a builder
that will call the supplied CodeLike
if that is what is given. One important downside is that this technique does not work for Moo::Role
Upvotes: 2