

Maven bundle plugin generates Manifest with wrong or missing versions

When debugging, why a service from my bundle was not imported by other bundles, I've noticed, I've declared wrong version of commons-io (1.4 instead of 2.4). However, after invoking mvn clean and then mnv install I've noticed, that the old version is still referred! Additionally, the version of org.apache.httpcomponents is not declared!

My effective POM looks like following:





What I see in MANIFEST.MF is:

Import-Package: .....................,;version="[1.4,2)",org.apache.http,org.apache.http.client,org.ap ache.http.client.methods,org.apache.http.entity, ient,org.osgi.service.blueprint;version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)",........

Now the behaviour of maven-bundle-plugin seems random to me. Sometimes the version is placed in manifest, sometimes not, sometimes the packages from the same bundle are placed in Import-Package section, sometimes not... And now the old package version is placed, as if it was cached somewhere...

Is there any method to force maven-bundle-plugin to correctly resolve package versions from maven dependencies? I don't want to write versions manually because it's what we are using Maven for...

A probably important note: The class that uses those imports is declared in Blueprint descriptor, and it is how the maven-bundle-plugin finds out the package in the first line, it looks like the plugin has some issues with Blueprint support...

Upvotes: 4

Views: 3272

Answers (1)

Christian Schneider
Christian Schneider

Reputation: 19626

The maven bundle plugin uses some rules to create the Import-Package statements.

  • It will only create imports for the packages that are actually used
  • It will look into blueprint and create imports for some of the definitions there. For example if you declare a bean class= then it will import the package
  • If you export a package then the maven-bundle-plugin will also create an import for it. This allows OSGi to choose the best import. This is a good thing for the stability of your system.
  • The versions for imports are taken from the Export-Package statements of the bundles you refer in maven. If the maven dependency is not a bundle then it will take the version from the maven version

In your case the import for is still in the [1.4,2) range as the commons-io 2.4 bundle exports this package with version 1.4.9999. I guess this is done to make commons-io 2.4 compatible with bundles that were compiled against commons-io 1.4.

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