Reputation: 355
I'm trying to define a non-dependent list
type in Coq, but I cannot figure out a way to do that. I managed to define ndList
axiomatically, modifying Coq's list
definition. Here's my work so far:
Axiom ndList : forall C: Type, Type.
Axiom nil : forall C, ndList C.
Axiom cons : forall C, forall (c: C) (l: ndList C), ndList C.
Arguments nil {_}.
Arguments cons {_} _ _.
Axiom el : forall (C L: Type), forall (a: L) (s: ndList C)
(l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L), L.
Axiom c1 : forall (C L: Type), forall (a: L) (l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L),
el C L a nil l = a.
Axiom c2 : forall (C L: Type), forall (s: ndList C) (c: C) (a: L)
(l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L),
el C L a (cons c s) l = l c (el C L a s l).
Axiom c_eta : forall (C L: Type), forall (a: L) (l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L)
(t: forall y: ndList C, L) (s: ndList C) (eq1: t nil = a)
(eq2: forall (x: C) (z: ndList C), t (cons x z) = l x (t z)),
el C L a s l = t s.
Is there a way to define ndList
as an Inductive
Thanks for helping.
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Your "non-dependent" list type is provably isomorphic to Coq's list
Axiom ndList : forall C: Type, Type. Axiom nil : forall C, ndList C. Axiom cons : forall C, forall (c: C) (l: ndList C), ndList C. Arguments nil {_}. Arguments cons {_} _ _. Axiom el : forall (C L: Type), forall (a: L) (s: ndList C) (l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L), L. Axiom c1 : forall (C L: Type), forall (a: L) (l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L), el C L a nil l = a. Axiom c2 : forall (C L: Type), forall (s: ndList C) (c: C) (a: L) (l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L), el C L a (cons c s) l = l c (el C L a s l). Axiom c_eta : forall (C L: Type), forall (a: L) (l: forall (x: C) (z: L), L) (t: forall y: ndList C, L) (s: ndList C) (eq1: t nil = a) (eq2: forall (x: C) (z: ndList C), t (cons x z) = l x (t z)), el C L a s l = t s. Section iso. Context {A : Type}. Definition list_to_ndList : list A -> ndList A := list_rect (fun _ => ndList A) nil (fun x _ xs => cons x xs). Definition ndList_to_list (ls : ndList A) : list A := el A (list A) Datatypes.nil ls Datatypes.cons. Lemma list_eq (ls : list A) : ndList_to_list (list_to_ndList ls) = ls. Proof. unfold ndList_to_list, list_to_ndList. induction ls as [|x xs IHxs]; repeat first [ progress simpl | progress rewrite ?c1, ?c2 | congruence ]. Qed. Lemma ndList_eq (ls : ndList A) : list_to_ndList (ndList_to_list ls) = ls. Proof. unfold ndList_to_list, list_to_ndList. transitivity (el A (ndList A) nil ls cons); [ symmetry | ]; revert ls; match goal with | [ |- forall ls, @?LHS ls = @?RHS ls ] => intro ls; apply (c_eta _ _ _ _ RHS ls) end; repeat first [ progress simpl | progress intros | progress rewrite ?c1, ?c2 | congruence ]. Qed. End iso.
You can also easily get your el
about list
s, automatically, even:
Scheme el := Minimality for list Sort Type.
Check el. (* forall A P : Type, P -> (A -> list A -> P -> P) -> list A -> P *)
Does this suffice for your purposes, or are you wanting more?
Upvotes: 3