Reputation: 250
There are multiple horizontal Recyclerview
on a screen. I want to perform a espresso click event on first item of first horizontal Recyclerview
. Please let me know how we can achieve it.
.perform(RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition(1, new ClickOnImageView()));
public class ClickOnImageView implements ViewAction {
ViewAction click = click();
public Matcher<View> getConstraints() {
return click.getConstraints();
public String getDescription() {
return " click on custom image view";
public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) {
click.perform(uiController, view.findViewById(;
It's giving me the following exception:
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Views: 1747
Reputation: 250
After spending few hours I found the solution, we need to use a Matcher to match the first RecyclerView
from multiple horizontal RecyclerView
. Put the below method in your test class.
private <T> Matcher<T> firstView(final Matcher<T> matcher) {
return new BaseMatcher<T>() {
boolean isFirst = true;
public boolean matches(final Object item) {
if (isFirst && matcher.matches(item)) {
isFirst = false;
return true;
return false;
public void describeTo(final Description description) {
description.appendText("should return first matching item");
And here is the code snippet how you can use it,
.perform(RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition(1, click()));
Upvotes: 2