Reputation: 35
I have searched this everywhere and I didn't found it, so what I want to do is simple, I want to count the underscores in a filename and put it in a variable to later use it.
Is there any simple batch code to do it ?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 457
Reputation: 18827
This solution is inspired from @xmcp :
@echo off
Rem The srting to count in the filename is the underscrore "_"
Rem we can of course set another one ;)
set "MyString=_"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@for /f "delims=" %%a in ('Dir /b "%userprofile%\Desktop"') do (
set "filename=%%a"
set /a "cnt=0"
set /a "pos=0"
Call:Counting_String "!filename!" "%Mystring%"
pause & exit
:Counting_String <filename> <MyString>
set "filename=%~1"
set "string=%~2"
if /I "!filename:~%pos%,1!"=="%Mystring%" set /a cnt+=1
set /a pos+=1
if not "!filename:~%pos%,1!"=="" goto Counting_String
echo !filename!: [!cnt!] "%Mystring%"
exit /b
Upvotes: 0
A different method to count underscores (or more exact elements separated by an underscore)
is to use self expanding code:
:: Q:\Test\2017\08\28\SO_45917406.cmd
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "FileName=example_file_name_20170828_181000.txt"
Set i=1&Set "FileName[!i!]=%FileName:_="&Set /a i+=1&Set "FileName[!i!]=%"
Echo Counted %i% underscore separated elements
Set FileName
Sample output:
> Q:\Test\2017\08\28\SO_45917406.cmd
Counted 5 underscore separated elements
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3742
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set filename=__example_file.bin_
set cnt=0
set pos=0
if "!filename:~%pos%,1!"=="_" set /a cnt=%cnt%+1
set /a pos=%pos%+1
if not "!filename:~%pos%,1!"=="" goto loop
echo Count: %cnt%
That code is pretty ugly but I can't find a better way so far.
Upvotes: 2