

Layout in MVC leaves blank space at the top of the page

Hello everyone i hope someone can help me I have a small problem but dont know how to fix it I have checked line by line and idd some changes but still cant fix it, i have the following code for a Layout in MVC:

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Well the problem is that it leaves a big blank space at the top of the page, please see this picture imglayout

as you can see in the picture my layout has a big blank space and the top of the page, how can i fix that? i want to remove that blank space and make the layout fix all the screen completely , thanks in advance

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2937

Answers (1)



I solved it by adding style="padding-top:unset; padding-bottom:unset" in the body tag =)

<body id="elementoboy" runat="server" style="padding-top:unset; padding-bottom:unset"  class="hold-transition skin-blue sidebar-mini">

Upvotes: 5

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