Reputation: 507
I'm using the dropdownButton from this link that is in Shiny Widgets, with a slight mod to make the text black. drop-down checkbox input in shiny
My goal is to make the dropdownButton in my sidebar look as much like a selectInput feature as possible. I got the button to be the same size as the the selectInput, and the caret to be placed correctly, thanks to help on another post, but when I change the window size, I run into UI overlap issues.
Any suggestions? See my issue below:
Both are screenshots of the same app from the same code, just different window sizes. I'd like the dropdownButton to stay consistent in matching its size to the selectInput above. I also don't understand why my h5("Filter 2:) text splits with the larger window size, and I don't want it to do that.
dropdownButton2 <- function(label = "", status = c("default", "primary", "success", "info", "warning", "danger"), ..., width = NULL) {
status <- match.arg(status)
# dropdown button content
html_ul <- list(
class = "dropdown-menu",
style = if (!is.null(width))
paste0("width: ", validateCssUnit(width), ";"),
lapply(X = list(...), FUN = tags$li, style = "margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;color:black")
# dropdown button apparence
html_button <- list(
class = paste0("btn btn-", status," dropdown-toggle"),
type = "button",
`data-toggle` = "dropdown"
html_button <- c(html_button, list(label))
html_button <- c(html_button, list(tags$span(class = "caret")))
# final result
class = "dropdown",$button, html_button),$ul, html_ul),
"$('.dropdown-menu').click(function(e) {
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardSidebar(width = 325,
selectInput('month',label='Filter 1:',choices=,multiple = FALSE,selected = "March"),
h5(strong(("Filter 2:"))),
tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".btn-default{width: 100%;}"),
tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".btn .caret{position: relative;}"),
tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".caret{top: 45%; right:-35%}"),
label = "Filter 2:", status = "default", width = 200,#circle = FALSE,
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "check1", label = "Choose", choices = c("A","B","C"))
h5(strong(("Filter 3:"))),
label = "Filter 3:", status = "default", width = 200,#circle = FALSE,
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "check3", label = "Choose", choices = c("A","B","C"))
server <- function(input, output){
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1762
Reputation: 2934
@SarahGC - The column
you have defined in your code has width = 1
which is being used to display dropdownbuttons
. By just changing that value, both your problems will get solved (text wont split on the label, and width of buttons will not be restricted). Please note width
must be between 1 and 12.
h5(strong("Filter 2:")),
tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".btn-default{width: 100%;}"),
tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".btn .caret{position: relative;}"),
tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".caret{top: 45%; right:-35%}"),
label = "Filter 2:", status = "default",width = 100,#circle = FALSE,
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "check1", label = "Choose", choices = c("A","B","C"))
h5(strong("Filter 3:")),
label = "Filter 3:", status = "default",width = 100,#circle = FALSE,
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "check3", label = "Choose", choices = c("A","B","C"))
Upvotes: 1