Reputation: 11
I'm trying to get dollar exchange rate from into a Excel spreadsheet.
I tried to paste as refreshable web query, however, the page opens one step earlier with a form, which has default inputs (that work for me) and then the query copies stuff from this page.
I tried to write a code to submit the form. I tried the .submit
, .Click
, .FireEvent
and many other things I found on internet.
I tried to refer to the button by its name, class, tag, ...
<input title="Pesquisar" class="botao" onclick="limparVazio()" type="submit" value="Pesquisar">
I tried to trigger the form directly or bypass it
<form name="consultarBoletimForm" action="/ptax_internet/" method="post">
Upvotes: 1
Views: 233
Reputation: 84475
You can use the Open Data Portal.
Send a request for a JSON response with the conversion rates from their Exchange rates – daily bulletins.
With the received response, amongst other methods, you can then:
Looking at the results for today's rate on the site:
You can see USD 1 = 3,7048 BRL
Example string to make request:
",dataInicial=@dataInicial,dataFinalCotacao=@dataFinalCotacao)?%40moeda=%27" & TARGET_CURRENCY & "%27&%40dataInicial=%27" & START_DATE & "%27&%40dataFinalCotacao=%27" & END_DATE & "%27&%24format=json"
I include the start date, end date and currency in the string as well as specify the response format as JSON. I have selected the date to match the website view shown in the images above.
The JSON response is as follows:
I read the response into a string variable and then use JsonConverter.ParseJson(strJSON)
to convert to a JSON object, stored in json
variable. A quick inspection of the structure:
The begining "{" tells me that json
is a dictionary.
I can also see that json("value")
is a collection of dictionaries and that the value I am interested in, 3,7048
- remember from the website images above, is stored as "cotacaoCompra"
I can thus use the following script to access that value. The JSON response actually gives rates at 5 different times on that date in question. These are all printed out. The Fechamento
(Closing) bulletin rate of 3,7048 we can see matches.
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfo()
Dim strURL As String, strJSON As String, item As Variant, http As Object, json As Object
Const START_DATE As String = "06-13-2018"
Const END_DATE As String = "06-13-2018"
strURL = ",dataInicial=@dataInicial,dataFinalCotacao=@dataFinalCotacao)?%40moeda=%27" & TARGET_CURRENCY & "%27&%40dataInicial=%27" & START_DATE & "%27&%40dataFinalCotacao=%27" & END_DATE & "%27&%24format=json"
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", strURL, False
strJSON = http.responseText
Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(strJSON)
For Each item In json("value")
Debug.Print "rate " & item("cotacaoCompra") & " at " & item("dataHoraCotacao")
Next item
End Sub
Script output:
Requires JSONConverter bas added and VBE > Tools > References > Microsoft Scripting RunTime)
The regex I will use is
This looks for the literal string "cotacaoCompra":
, followed by 1 or more numbers then a ".", then one of more numbers.
I then have to remove the string "cotacaoCompra":
with a straight forward replace. Ideally, I would just extract the numbers with "(?<=""cotacaoCompra"":)\d{1,}.\d{1,}"
; basically, that says after, but not including "cotacaoCompra":
. But that doesn't appear to be supported.
With that in mind the script to get the rates with regex:
Public Sub GetInfo2()
Dim strURL As String, strJSON As String, item As Variant, http As Object, json As Object
Const START_DATE As String = "06-13-2018"
Const END_DATE As String = "06-13-2018"
strURL = ",dataInicial=@dataInicial,dataFinalCotacao=@dataFinalCotacao)?%40moeda=%27" & TARGET_CURRENCY & "%27&%40dataInicial=%27" & START_DATE & "%27&%40dataFinalCotacao=%27" & END_DATE & "%27&%24format=json"
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", strURL, False
strJSON = http.responseText
Dim Matches As Object
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = """cotacaoCompra"":\d{1,}.\d{1,}" 'The pattern I really wanted, "(?<=""cotacaoCompra"":)\d{1,}.\d{1,}", doesn't appear to be supported
If Not .test(strJSON) Then Exit Sub
Set Matches = .Execute(strJSON)
Dim match As Object
For Each match In Matches
Debug.Print Replace(match, """cotacaoCompra"":", vbNullString)
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 1