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Not able to decode different codetypes (1d-barcodes, datamatrix....) int C# using an IDS-Camera, ZXing.NET and OpenCvSharp

I want to decode different codes in C# by using OpenCvSharp and ZXing.NET. The Image-Capture is done by an IDS-Camera (10 mp). My code looks like this:

using System;
using System.Drawing;

using OpenCvSharp;

using ZXing;
using ZXing.Datamatrix;
using ZXing.Multi;

using uEye;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)
                // create new camera
                Camera cam = new Camera();  
                // acquire image
                // convert to byte-array (to show in window) and to bitmap (to decode)
                cam.Memory.CopyToArray(1, out byte[] Imag);
                cam.Memory.CopyToBitmap(1, out Bitmap Image);
                // show image in window
                Mat mat = OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToMat(Image);
                Cv2.Resize(mat, mat, new OpenCvSharp.Size(960, 687), 0.25, 0.25);
                Cv2.ImShow("Code", mat);
                Cv2.ResizeWindow("Code", 960, 687);

                //BitMap --> LuminanceSource --> BinaryBitmap
                LuminanceSource bild = new RGBLuminanceSource(Imag, 3840, 2748);
                BinaryBitmap barcodeBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(bild));
                // implement new reader and decode
                var reader = new MultiFormatReader {};
                var result = reader.decode(barcodeBitmap);
                // write to console if decoded successfully, if not: write "failed"
                if (result != null){
                int c = Cv2.WaitKey(0);
                if (c != -1) { break; } 

The image-acquisition works but it won't decode.

I hope somebody can help me.

Edit: Just if somebody is having the same Problem. I came back to ZXing and instead of OpenCV i used AForge.NET. First i load the image from the camera-memory and convert it into Grayscale. Then im using an thresholding-algorithm to get an 1bit-image. After this i am looking for quadrilaterales to get the code area and rotate the image so that the ZXing-reader can decode it. Actually its working fine for 1D- and datamatrix codes. If somebody needs the code, just ask me.

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