Reputation: 43153
This is a pretty simple question: as a Git newbie I was wondering if there's a way for me to output my git log to a file, preferably in some kind of serialized format like XML, JSON, or YAML. Any suggestions?
Upvotes: 62
Views: 46641
Reputation: 3647
This will format commits as YAML, including filenames edited in the commits:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# usage:
# ./ [rev-list options]
# examples, show last 3 commits as yaml:
# ./ HEAD~3..HEAD
# show all commits in branch as yaml:
# ./
set -eo pipefail
# Define yaml_format outside main function, so lines are not indented.
# Explicit define text indentation to 2 spaces with |2, such that
# subjects, filenames or bodies that start with spaces does not trip yaml parsers.
# Yaml parsers typically assume identation of text block to be the same
# amount of spaces as the first line of the text block.
commit_hash: %H
commit_date: %cI
committer_name: %cn
committer_email: %ce
author_date: %aI
author_name: %an
author_email: %ae
subject: |2
body: |2
files: |2'
main() {
# filename from --name-only as utf-8
git config core.quotepath off
# prefix that does not exist in subjects, bodies or filenames,
# such that we can indent subjects, bodies and filenames without indenting keys
format=$(add_prefix_to_keys "$yaml_format")
git log --name-only --pretty=tformat:"$format" "$@" \
| remote_empty_lines \
| indent_values \
| remove_prefix_from_keys \
| remove_invalid_yaml_chars \
| files_to_array
remote_empty_lines() {
sed '/^$/d'
add_prefix_to_keys() {
# all lines in yaml_format that does not start with % are keys
echo "$1" | sed -E "s/^([^%].*)/$prefix\1/"
indent_values() {
# indent all lines that does not start with prefix
sed -E "s/^([^$prefix].*)/ \1/"
remove_prefix_from_keys() {
sed "s/^$prefix//"
remove_invalid_yaml_chars() {
# removes control characters that are invalid in yaml
tr -d '\000-\010\013\014\016-\037'
files_to_array() {
yq '.files |= [(split("\n")[] | select(length > 0))]'
# cat -
main "$@"
Convert to JSON or XML:
./ | yq --output-format json
./ | yq --output-format xml # might want to adjust YAML-format for better XML
Inspired by answers:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 53
There is also jc
which can convert the output of many Unix tools into JSON. To get a git log in JSON and then filter it with jq
, you would simply do:
jc git log | jq '.[] | ...'
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1401
It seems like, for json, you need to escape quotes. This script works quite good:
git log --pretty=format:'{%n \"commit\": \"%H\",%n \"author\": \"%an\",%n \"date\": \"%ad\",%n \"message\": \"%f\"%n},'
The result is like this:
"commit": "e31231231239a67e42175e9201823e70",
"author": "jack",
"date": "Thu Oct 19 11:20:39 2023 +0200",
"message": "commit message 1"
"commit": "14594ad80d4949b0f1c10b180740083qe",
"author": "jill",
"date": "Wed Oct 18 11:07:02 2023 +0200",
"message": "commit message 2"
"commit": "123asd1231g2f3gh12f3h12f3",
"author": "john",
"date": "Wed Oct 18 10:56:51 2023 +0200",
"message": "commit message 3"
You need to add [
and ]
to start and end
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10049
git log has no provisions to escape quotes, backslashes, newlines etc., which makes robust direct JSON output impossible (unless you limit yourself to subset of fields with predictable content e.g. hash & dates).
However, the %w([width[,indent1[,indent2]]])
specifier can indent lines, making it possible to emit robust YAML with arbitrary fields! The params are same as git shortlog -w
Linewrap the output by wrapping each line at width. The first line of each entry is indented by indent1 spaces, and the second and subsequent lines are indented by indent2 spaces.
width, indent1, and indent2 default to 76, 6 and 9 respectively.
If width is 0 (zero) then indent the lines of the output without wrapping them.
The YAML syntax that guarantees predictable parsing of indented text (with no other quoting needed!) is YAML block literal, not folded, with explicit number of spaces to strip e.g. |-2
option strips trailing newlines, which technically is lossy — it loses distinction between 1 vs. 4 trailing newlines, which are possible to produce with git commit --cleanup=verbatim
— so in theory you might want |+2
for multiline fields. Personally, I prefer treating one-line commit messages as strings without newline characters.Example:
git log --pretty=format:'- hash: %H
author_date: %aI
committer_date: %cI
author: |-2
%w(0,0,4)%an <%ae>%w(0,0,0)
committer: |-2
%w(0,0,4)%cn <%ae>%w(0,0,0)
message: |-2
affects later % placeholders but also literal lines so resetting the indent with %w(0,0,0)
is necessary, otherwise text like committer:
will also get indented.
output fragment (on reconstructed unix history):
- hash: 0d54a08ec260f3d554db334092068680cdaff26a
author_date: 1972-11-21T14:35:16-05:00
committer_date: 1972-11-21T14:35:16-05:00
author: |-2
Ken Thompson <[email protected]>
committer: |-2
Ken Thompson <[email protected]>
message: |-2
Research V2 development
Work on file cmd/df.s
Co-Authored-By: Dennis Ritchie <[email protected]>
Synthesized-from: v2
- hash: 4bc99f57d668fda3158d955c972b09c89c3725bd
author_date: 1972-07-22T17:42:11-05:00
committer_date: 1972-07-22T17:42:11-05:00
author: |-2
Dennis Ritchie <[email protected]>
committer: |-2
Dennis Ritchie <[email protected]>
message: |-2
Research V2 development
Work on file c/nc0/c00.c
Synthesized-from: v2
Note I didn't put quotes around the dates, to show off parsing as native YAML timestamp type. Support may vary (especially since YAML v1.2 spec delegated things like timestamps and booleans to app-dependent schema?), so it may be pragmatic to make them "strings"...
To convert YAML to JSON, you can pipe through yq or similar tools.
Or a short in-place script e.g.
| ruby -e '
require "yaml"
require "json"
# to parse timestamps
require "date"
data = YAML.safe_load(, permitted_classes: [Date, Time])
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1147
I wrote this in Powershell to get git logdata and save it as json or other format:
$header = @("commit","tree","parent","refs","subject","body","author","commiter")
[string] $prettyGitLogDump= (git log MyCoolSite.Web- --pretty=format:'%H|%T|%P|%D|%s|%b|%an|%cn;')
$gldata = foreach ($commit in $prettyGitLogDump.Replace("; ",';') -split ";", 0, "multiline") {
$prop = $commit -split "\|"
$hash = [ordered]@{}
for ($i=0;$i -lt $header.count;$i++) {$hash.add($header[$i],$prop[$i])}
$gldata | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "GitLog.json"
The headernames:
have to be in sync with datafields :
See prettyformat docs.
I choose pipe | as a separator. I am taking a risc that it is not used in the commit message. I used semicolon ; as a sep for every commit. I should of course chosen something else. You could try to code some clever regular expression to match and check if your separators are used in the commit message. Or you could code more complex regularexpression to match split point or code a powershell scriptblock to define the split.
The hardest line in the code to figure out was.
prettyGitLogDump.Replace("; ",';') -split ";", 0, "multiline"
You have to set option multiline becuase there can be CR/LF in the messages and then split stops - you can only set multiline if nr of split is given. Therefore second paramvalue 0 which means all.
(The Replace("; ",';') is just a hack I get a space after the first commit. So I remove space after commit separator. Probably there is a better solution.)
Anyway i think this could be a workable solution for windows users or powershells fans that want the log from git to see who made the commit and why.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 11617
Behold, the last git-log => JSON
parser you will ever need!
Some of Gitlogg's features are:
git log
of multiple repositories into one JSON
key/value.files changed
, insertions
and deletions
key/value, which represents the cumulative changes for the commit (insertions
- deletions
by converting them to single quotes '
on all values that allow or are created by user input, like subject
placeholders are available.JSON
by commenting out/uncommenting the available ones.
Success, the JSON was parsed and saved.
Error 001: path to repositories does not exist.
Error 002: path to repositories exists, but is empty.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1112
to output to a file:
git log > filename.log
To specify a format, like you want everything on one line
git log --pretty=oneline >filename.log
or you want it a format to be emailed via a program like sendmail
git log --pretty=email |
to generate JSON, YAML or XML it looks like you need to do something like:
git log --pretty=format:"%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s"
This gist (not mine) perfectly formats output in JSON:
See also:
Upvotes: 72
Reputation: 1791
I did something like this to create a minimal web api / javascript widget that would show the last 5 commits in any repository.
If you are doing this from any sort of scripting language, you really want to generate your JSON with something other than "
for your quote character, so that you can escape real quotes in commit messages. (You will have them sooner or later, and it's not nice for that to break things.)
So I ended up with the terrifying but unlikely delimiter ^@^
and this command-line.
var cmd = 'git log -n5 --branches=* --pretty=format:\'{%n^@^hash^@^:^@^%h^@^,%n^@^author^@^:^@^%an^@^,%n^@^date^@^:^@^%ad^@^,%n^@^email^@^:^@^%aE^@^,%n^@^message^@^:^@^%s^@^,%n^@^commitDate^@^:^@^%ai^@^,%n^@^age^@^:^@^%cr^@^},\'';
Then (in node.js) my http response body is constructed from stdout
of the call to git log
var out = ("" + stdout).replace(/"/gm, '\\"').replace(/\^@\^/gm, '"');
if (out[out.length - 1] == ',') {
out = out.substring (0, out.length - 1);
and the result is nice JSON that doesn't break with quotes.
Upvotes: 16