Reputation: 78
I am using Eigen's LSCG to iteratively solve an over-determined system which I have expressed using sparse matrices and I believe is too slow. By iteratively I mean something like:
//The following is pseudo code
main() {
//compute A
//compute B
//based on x alter A and B
For example when A has 36k rows and 18k cols with 145k nnz elements and B has 36k rows 3 cols and 110k nnz elements (notice that B is in fact dense) it takes my desktop 74s to execute x=solve(A,B).
To test the time on your machine I have written some simple test code:
#include <Eigen/Sparse> //system solving and Eigen::SparseMatrix
#include <ctime> //measure time to execute
#include <unsupported/Eigen/SparseExtra> //loadMarket
using SpMatrix = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>;
using Matrix = Eigen::MatrixXd;
int main() {
//load A and B
SpMatrix A, B;
Eigen::loadMarket(A, "/AMatrixDirectory/A.mtx");
Eigen::loadMarket(B, "/BMatrixDirectory/B.mtx");
std::clock_t start;
start = std::clock();
Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient<SpMatrix> solver;
Matrix x = solver.solve(B);
std::cout << "Time: " << (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
<< " s" << std::endl;
return 0;
The above is one iteration of the while loop in the pseudo code above. To run the above code you will need:
ggael proposed to use SimplicialLDLT claiming that it has a better performance compared to LSCG in my problem.
For the purpose of comparing Eigen's solvers performance to a particular problem Eigen offers the BenchmarkRoutine . Unfortunately I was not able to use it since only square matrices can be used with it.
I edited the code comparing LSCG and SimplicialLDLT (please do not get discouraged by the length of the code since it consists of 4 blocks similar to each other with only some minor changes):
#include <Eigen/Sparse> //system solving and Eigen::SparseMatrix
#include <ctime> //measure time to execute
#include <unsupported/Eigen/SparseExtra> //loadMarket
// Use typedefs instead of using if c++11 is not supported by your compiler
using SpMatrix = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>;
using Matrix = Eigen::MatrixXd;
int main() {
// Use multi-threading. If you don't have OpenMP on your system
// it will simply use 1 thread and it will not crash. So do not worry about
// that.
// Load system matrices
SpMatrix A, B;
Eigen::loadMarket(A, "/home/iason/Desktop/Thesis/build/A.mtx");
Eigen::loadMarket(B, "/home/iason/Desktop/Thesis/build/B.mtx");
// Initialize the clock which will measure the solvers
std::clock_t start;
// Reset clock
start = std::clock();
// Solve system using LSCG
Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient<SpMatrix> LSCG_solver;
LSCG_solver.setTolerance(pow(10, -10));
// Use auto specifier to hold the return value of solve. Eigen::Solve object
// is being returned
auto LSCG_solution = LSCG_solver.solve(B);
std::cout << "LSCG Time Using auto: "
<< (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " s"
<< std::endl;
// Reset clock
start = std::clock();
// Solve system using LSCG
Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient<SpMatrix> LSCG_solver;
LSCG_solver.setTolerance(pow(10, -10));
// Use Matrix specifier instead of auto. Implicit conversion taking place(?)
Matrix LSCG_solution = LSCG_solver.solve(B);
std::cout << "LSCG Time Using Matrix: "
<< (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " s"
<< std::endl;
// Reset clock
start = std::clock();
// Solve system using SimplicialLDLT
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<SpMatrix> SLDLT_solver;
SLDLT_solver.compute(A.transpose() * A);
auto SLDLT_solution = SLDLT_solver.solve(A.transpose() * B);
std::cout << "SimplicialLDLT Time Using auto: "
<< (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " s"
<< std::endl;
// Reset clock
start = std::clock();
// Solve system using SimplicialLDLT
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<SpMatrix> SLDLT_solver;
SLDLT_solver.compute(A.transpose() * A);
// Use Matrix specifier instead of auto. Implicit conversion taking place(?)
Matrix SLDLT_solution = SLDLT_solver.solve(A.transpose() * B);
std::cout << "SimplicialLDLT Time Using Matrix: "
<< (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " s"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
The above code produces the following result:
LSCG Time Using auto: 0.000415 s
LSCG Time Using Matrix: 52.7668 s
SimplicialLDLT Time Using auto: 0.216593 s
SimplicialLDLT Time Using Matrix: 0.239976 s
As the results proove when I use Eigen::MatrixXd instead of auto I get the situation ggael described in one of his comments, namely LSCG not achieving a solution without setting a higher tolerance and SimplicialLDLT being much faster.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1210
Reputation: 29225
Given the sparsity pattern of your matrix A
, forming the normal equation explicitly and using a direct solver such as SimplicialLDLT
will be much faster. Also better use a dense type for B since it is dense anyway and that internally, all solvers will convert the sparse right-hand-side to dense columns:
Eigen::MatrixXd dB = B; // or directly fill dB
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<SpMatrix> solver;
MatrixXd x = solver.solve(A.transpose()*dB);
This takes 0.15s, in contrast to 6s for LSCG after the setting the tolerance of LSCG to 1E-14.
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