Reputation: 1740
I am currently using tesseract to scan receipts. The quality wasn't good so I read this article on how to improve it: I implemented resizing, deskewing(aligning), and gaussian blur. But none of them seem to have a positive effect on the accuracy of the OCR except the deskewing. Here is my code for resizing and gaussian blur. Am I doing anything wrong? If not, what else can I do to help?
+(UIImage *) prepareImage: (UIImage *)image{
//converts UIImage to Mat format
Mat im = cvMatWithImage(image);
//grayscale image
Mat gray;
cvtColor(im, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
//deskews text
//did not provide code because I know it works
Mat preprocessed = preprocess2(gray);
double skew = hough_transform(preprocessed, im);
Mat rotated = rot(im,skew* CV_PI/180);
//resize image
Mat scaledImage = scaleImage(rotated, 2);
//Guassian Blur
GaussianBlur(scaledImage, scaledImage, cv::Size(1, 1), 0, 0);
return UIImageFromCVMat(scaledImage);
// Organization -> Resizing
Mat scaleImage(Mat mat, double factor){
Mat resizedMat;
double width = mat.cols;
double height = mat.rows;
double aspectRatio = width/height;
resize(mat, resizedMat, cv::Size(width*factor*aspectRatio, height*factor*aspectRatio));
return resizedMat;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 589
Reputation: 7588
If you read the Tesseract documentation you will see that tesseract engine works best with texts in a single line in a square. Passing it the whole receipt image reduces the engine's accuracy. What you need to do is use the new iOS framework CITextFeature to detect texts in your receipt into multiple blocks of images. Then only you can pass those images to tesseract for processing.
Upvotes: 1