Reputation: 1725
I have a problem, I would like to make counter that count characters in textarea, it restrict how many character you should add, that is for add comment with fixed length. I have used ng-model="seeMore.comment" in
textareaand I would like to dynamically show the length of the textarea, so I am using
.controller('seeMoreCtrl', function($scope, User, $location, $window, $timeout){
var app = this;
app.AddComment = function(comment, valid) {
app.disabled = true;
app.loading = true;
app.errorMsg = false;
var userComment = {};
userComment._id = app.currentProduct;
userComment.comment = app.comment;
app.successMsg = 'Dzękujemy za Twoją opinię!';
app.loading = false;
$scope.seeMore.comment = '';
app.successMsg = false;
} else {
app.disabled = false;
app.loading = false;
app.errorMsg =;
} else {
app.disabled = false;
app.loading = false;
app.errorMsg = 'Twoja opinia nie została dodana. Musisz dodać jakąś treść.';
app.errorMsg = false;
<form name="seeMore.AddCommentForm" ng-submit="seeMore.AddComment(comment, seeMore.AddCommentForm.$valid)" novalidate>
<div ng-class="{'has-success':(seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$valid && !seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$pristine), 'has-error':(!seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$valid && !seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$pristine) || (!seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$valid && seeMore.AddCommentForm.$submitted)}">
<textarea class="form-control" id="text-area-comment" name="comment" ng-model="seeMore.comment" ng-minLength="10" required></textarea>
<ul ng-show="(!seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$pristine && seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$error.minlength)" class="help-block comment-conditions">
<li>{{ 10 - seeMore.comment.length}}</li>
<button class="btn btn-warning button-comment-user">Add comment</button>
Upvotes: 2
Views: 64
Reputation: 7326
Since you use a validator ( `ng-minlength="10" ) the model you use in ng-model will not be updated unless the input is valid. So unless you add more than 10 char in your textarea, seeMore.comment will not have a value.
Take a loook in the custom directive paragraph here:
Each function in the $validators object receives the modelValue and the viewValue as parameters. AngularJS will then call $setValidity internally with the function's return value (true: valid, false: invalid). The validation functions are executed every time an input is changed ($setViewValue is called) or whenever the bound model changes. Validation happens after successfully running $parsers and $formatters, respectively. Failed validators are stored by key in ngModelController.$error.
Your solution is to use directly the $viewValue according this input & minlength validato. Since you can acces the form object by seeMore.AddCommentForm
(form's name attr), So just use seeMore.AddCommentForm.$error.minlength[0].$viewValue.length
<ul ng-show="(!seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$pristine && seeMore.AddCommentForm.comment.$error.minlength)" class="help-block comment-conditions">
<li>{{ 10 - seeMore.AddCommentForm.$error.minlength[0].$viewValue.length}}</li>
Upvotes: 3