Reputation: 13
I have a builded a text editor in javascript that takes keyboard-written-text as an input, and outputs the same paragraph, but with each word styled accordingly to how it was written. My text editor exports a CSV file, where each row is a word, and its specifc styling values covering: font size, word tracking, spacing between two words, and the color of the word.
Now I want to import this csv file into InDesign using the basil.js library, so that I can create a text box with a paragraph of the words and the stylings located in the csv file.
The csv file can be seen here:
I’ve managed to import the csv, create a paragraph with each word, and make the font-size styling work for each work. But I can’t make the tracking property work. Also I dont really have an Idea how to create increasd space between two words in a paragraph through basil.js (In the texteditor it used left-padding css). Also I dont know how to change the color of each word.
Is this possible with basil.js?
My current code looks like this:
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents";
#include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js";
function draw(){
//import csv file
var data = b.CSV.decode( b.loadString("mycsv.csv"));
//paragraph placeholder
var paragraph = "";
//parse to right data type,
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i].spacing = parseInt(data[i].spacing);
data[i].size = parseInt(data[i].size);
data[i].tracking = parseInt(data[i].tracking);
data[i].color = parseInt(data[i].color);
// data[i].word is already a string at it should
//Add each word in the csv row to create a paragraph
paragraph += data[i].word + " ";
//create a textframe element for the paragraph
var tf = b.text(paragraph, 36, 36, 500, b.height);
var myWords = b.words(tf);
// iterate through each word and apply the specific styling for the
specific word.
for(var i = 0; i < myWords.length; i++){
var size_ = data[i].size; // font size
var tracking_ = data[i].tracking; //word tracking
var color_ = data[i].color; // font color
var spacing_ = data[i].spacing;
// this one works
myWords[i].pointSize = size_;
//I'ld like to change tracking for each word - but this dosnt work
myWords[i].tracking = tracking_;
//myWords[i].color = rgb(color_); - How can I apply a specific color to a specific word in the paragraph
// myWords[i].word_spacing = - I would like to increase the spacing between specific pairs of words. How can this be done?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 327
Reputation: 1235
I think your tracking does actually work, but the values you get from your csv are way too small to be noticeable. Legal tracking values range from -1000
up to 10000
, so I would multiply your values by 100 or by 1000 to see the effect.
To change the color of a word, you need to change its fillColor
property. To create a valid InDesign color you can make use of the basil function b.color(r, g, b)
. So to color a word in red, you could do
myWords[i].fillColor = b.color(255, 0, 0);
To change the space between to words, you actually need to target the space string between two words and change its kerningValue
property. To do that you can separate the text in all its characters using b.characters(text)
, like you already did with the words. Then you need to loop through the characters and see if it is a space and if so, you can change its kerning value.
var chars = b.characters(tf);
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if(chars[i].contents === " ") {
chars[i].kerningValue = 400;
Upvotes: 1