Reputation: 141
I need to implement the following logic: Given a set of 2d sample points (given as x-y-coordinate pairs) and a set of line segments (also x-y-coordinate pairs). Edit 1: How to calculate (vectorized) the distance of the points pi to the lines Li?
The points are approximately near the lines and I want to get the distance from each of the sample points to the nearest line segment. The may be points, which are a bit "off" (see p6 in the first picture) and these could be found by the following algorithm:
There is a vectorized solution (thanks to User Andy) which uses the projection "globally", always assuming case 2 for each point-linesegment-pair. However, this returns the distance [1 1 1]
for p1 ... p3 , where the desired distance would be [1.4142 1 1.4142]
. Can this code be modified to these needs?
ptsx = [1 3 5];
ptsy= [1 1 1];
linesx = [2 4];
linesy = [0 0];
points = [ptsx;ptsy];
lines = [linesx;linesy];
% start of lines
l = [linesx(1:end-1);linesy(1:end-1)];
% vector perpendicular on line
v = [diff(linesy);-diff(linesx)];
% make unit vector
v = v ./ hypot (v(1,:),v(2,:));
v = repmat (v, 1, 1, size (points, 2));
% vector from points (in third dimension) to start of lines (second dimension)
r = bsxfun (@minus, permute (points, [1 3 2]), l);
d = abs (dot (v, r));
dist = squeeze (min (d, [], 2))
Mathematically speaking, the cases can be separated by looking at the length of the projection of vec(pi-x1)
onto vec(x2-x1)
. If this length factor is < 0, then the point is "left" of the line segment, if it is between 0 and 1, perpendicular projection is possible, if it is > 1, then the point is "right" of the line segment.
Edit 1: I will add a pseudocode to explain how this could be solved with a double for-loop, but since I have around 6000 samples and 10000 lines, the loop solution is not an option for me.
for each sample point pi
for each linesegment Li
a = vector from start of Li to end of Li
b = vector from pi to start of Li
relLength = dot(a,b)/norm(a)^2
if relLength < 0: distance = euclidean distance from start of Li to pi
if relLength > 1: distance = euclidean distance from end of Li to pi
else: distance = perpendicular distance from pi to Li
Edit 2 / 2017-09-07: I managed to vectorize the first part of this algorithm. relLength now contains the relative length of the projection of each pi-startOfLi
onto each line segment.
ptsx = [0.5 2 3 5.5 8 11];
ptsy= [1 2 -1.5 0.5 4 5];
linesx = [0 2 4 6 10 10 0 0];
linesy = [0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0];
points = [ptsx;ptsy];
lines = [linesx;linesy];
% Start of all lines
L1 = [linesx(1:end-1); linesy(1:end-1)];
% Vector of each line segment
a = [diff(linesx); diff(linesy)];
b = bsxfun(@minus, permute(points, [1 3 2]), L1);
aRep = repmat(a, 1, 1, length(b(1,1,:)));
relLength = dot(aRep,b)./norm(a, 'cols').^2
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1165
Reputation: 1356
Octaves geometry
package contains all necessary tools to solve the requested problem. There are two functions implementing the solution for your question:
The function distancePointPolyline and distancePointPolygon should both be able to calculate the requested distances. Polygones are closed polylines.
The following script demonstrates the use of the functions. See figure for graphical result.
% Load octave geometry package (package is also available for matlab)
pkg load geometry
% Define points
points = [1,4.3,3.7,2.9; 0.8, 0.8, 2.1, -0.5]';
% Define polyline
lines = [0, 2, 4, 3.6; 0, -1, 1, 1.75]';
% Calculate distance
d = distancePointPolyline (points,lines);
% Produce figure
figure('name','Distance from points to polyline');
hold all
drawCircle(points, d);
axis equal
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8091
In GNU Octave:
points = [1 4.3 3.7 2.9;0.8 0.8 2.1 -0.5];
lines = [0 2 4 3.6;0 -1 1 1.75];
% plot them
hold off
plot (points(1,:), points(2,:), 'or')
hold on
plot (lines(1,:), lines(2,:), '-xb')
text (points(1,:), points(2,:),...
arrayfun (@(x) sprintf(' p%i',x),...
1:columns(points),'UniformOutput', false))
axis ('equal')
grid on
zoom (0.9);
% some intermediate vars
s_lines = lines (:,1:end-1); % start of lines
d_lines = diff(lines, 1, 2); % vectors between line points
l_lines = hypot (d_lines(1,:),
d_lines(2,:)); % length of lines
now do the "real" work:
% vectors perpendicular on lines
v = [0 1;-1 0] * d_lines;
vn = v ./ norm (v, 2, 'cols'); %make unit vector
% extend to number of points
vn = repmat (vn, 1, 1, columns (points));
points_3 = permute (points, [1 3 2]);
% vectors from points (in third dimension) to start of lines (second dimension)
d = dot (vn, points_3 - s_lines);
% check if the projection is on line
tmp = dot (repmat (d_lines, 1, 1, columns (points)),...
points_3 - s_lines)./l_lines.^2;
point_hits_line = tmp > 0 & tmp < 1;
% set othogonal distance to Inf if there is no hit
d(~ point_hits_line) = Inf;
dist = squeeze (min (abs(d), [], 2));
% calculate the euclidean distance from points to line start/stop
% if the projection doesn't hit the line
nh = isinf (dist);
tmp = points_3(:,:,nh) - lines;
tmp = hypot(tmp(1,:,:),tmp(2,:,:));
tmp = min (tmp, [], 2);
% store the result back
dist (nh) = tmp
plot the results as yellow circles around the points
% use for loops because this hasn't to be fast
t = linspace (0, 2*pi, 40);
for k=1:numel(dist)
plot (points (1, k) + cos (t) * dist(k),
points (2, k) + sin (t) * dist(k),
Upvotes: 4