Reputation: 767
I have a Neo4j DB with relationships that have properties such as [:FRIENDS {since: "11/2015"}]. I need to represent the "since" property in the GraphQl Schema. RELAY has something call "edges" an apparently this is how they implement this feature but I am not using RELAY.....I didn't see anything in Apollo (maybe I missed it). Can someone show me how to do this?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 1027
Reputation: 767 in order to get what I wanted which was to present both the node and the relationship (edge) to graphql I did what I would call a work-around by returning object.assign(node,relationship) to graphql....the downside is that I have to define a type nodeRel {} to receive the combined objects but it works. Also, the node and relationship objects can't have similar named properties. I can now answer the question how long John and Mary are friends or what groups John belongs to and how long he has been a member....Schema snippet:
... memberOf : [Group]
groupStatus : [MemberProfile]
attended : [Meeting]
submittedReport : [Report]
post : [Post]
type MemberProfile {
name : String
location : String
created : String
since : String
role : String
financial : Boolean
active : Boolean
groupStatus(voter) {
let session = driver.session(),
params = { voterid: voter.voterid },
query = `
MATCH (v:Voter)-[r:MEMBER_OF]->(g:Group)
WHERE v.voterid = $voterid
RETURN g AS group,r AS rel;
return session
.run(query, params)
.then(result => {
return => {
return Object.assign(record.get("group").properties, record.get("rel").properties)
I hope this help someone else....
Upvotes: 7