Reputation: 31
I am trying to integrate Paypal payments in a .NET 4.0 C# WinForm application doing a DirectPayment (without opening the browser with the paypal site) trought an asmx webservices calling this method from a WebMethod
public DoDirectPaymentResponseType DoDirectPaymentAPIOperation(string
amountinUSDollar, string creditCardType, string creditCardNumber, int
exp_month, int exp_year, string firstName, string middleName, string
lastName, string address1, string address2, string city, string state,
string zip, string phoneNumber, string CVV2)
DoDirectPaymentResponseType response = new
DoDirectPaymentReq wrapper = new DoDirectPaymentReq();
DoDirectPaymentRequestType request = new DoDirectPaymentRequestType();
DoDirectPaymentRequestDetailsType requestDetails = new
requestDetails.PaymentAction = (PaymentActionCodeType)
Enum.Parse(typeof(PaymentActionCodeType), "SALE");
CreditCardDetailsType creditCard = new CreditCardDetailsType();
PayerInfoType cardOwner = new PayerInfoType();
PersonNameType payer = new PersonNameType();
payer.FirstName = firstName;
payer.MiddleName = middleName;
payer.LastName = lastName;
cardOwner.PayerName = payer;
creditCard.CardOwner = cardOwner;
creditCard.CreditCardNumber = creditCardNumber;
if (creditCardType == "VISA")
creditCard.CreditCardType = CreditCardTypeType.VISA;
else if (creditCardType == "MasterCard")
creditCard.CreditCardType = CreditCardTypeType.MASTERCARD;
creditCard.CVV2 = CVV2;
creditCard.ExpMonth = exp_month;
creditCard.ExpYear = exp_year;
requestDetails.PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetailsType();
requestDetails.PaymentDetails.NotifyURL = "http://IPNhost";
BasicAmountType paymentAmount = new
BasicAmountType(CurrencyCodeType.USD, amountinUSDollar);
requestDetails.PaymentDetails.OrderTotal = paymentAmount;
wrapper.DoDirectPaymentRequest = request;
Dictionary<string, string> config = getConfigDict();
PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service = new
response = service.DoDirectPayment(wrapper);
When it try to make the call to the API, in the last line of the code I get this error: "Exception in HttpConnection Execute: Invalid HTTP response The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."} System.Exception {PayPal.Exception.PayPalException}.
I had a .NET 4.5 WebForm web application with Paypal integrated in which I had to define this
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
in its Global.asax file and it solves the problem for that specific application and I have found I have to use this
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType) 3072;
for .NET 4.0 but my question is:
If this would be the solution to may problem, where should I put this line in my code? Because there is no Global.asax in my asmx webservice.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 91
Reputation: 4971
Outlining the source of the reported issue above as per the comments in the OP. The exception was thrown because the NotifyURL
wasn't in https
Upvotes: 1