Reputation: 301
I am trying to deploy Rails app with capistrano. It's Rails 5.1 based. Ruby version is managed by rvm. I am using ruby 2.2.3, created gemset manually. Here is deploy.rb
set :rvm_type, :user
set :rvm_ruby_version, '2.2.3@cardlove-api'
with RAILS_ENV: fetch(:environment) do
execute :rake, "webpacker:install"
So, it seems worked when Rails < 5.0. But when Rails > 5.0, webpack should be installed by this command:
bundle exec rails webpacker:install
(instead of bundle rake)
with RAILS_ENV: fetch(:environment) do
execute :rails, "webpacker:install"
But it doesn't work for me. I've installed bundle in the gemset I am using, but getting error:
01 bundle exec rails webpacker:install
01 bash: bundle: command not found
(Backtrace restricted to imported tasks)
cap aborted!
SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as user@IP: rails
exit status: 127
rails stdout: Nothing written
rails stderr: bash: bundle: command not found
Of course, I included capistrano/rails in my capfile.
I am not sure why I am getting error. I think I configured correctly , but... Anyway, Would you like to help me to fix this issue?
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Views: 303