Reputation: 37
I have a class Evol and want an instance of distanceMatrix to be applied on a list of my type MolSeq. The function molseqDistMat works as desired, but I cant understand the error I get when trying to run distanceMatrix [Molseq]. I understand what the error says but I can't find the exception. This is the error.
*F2> distanceMatrix l
*** Exception: lab2.hs:79:3-43: Non-exhaustive patterns in function
This is the code.
class Evol a where
distanceMatrix :: [a] -> [(String, String, Double)]
instance Evol MolSeq where
distanceMatrix [a] = molseqDistMat [a] [] -- <- Line 79
molseqDistMat :: [MolSeq] -> [(String, String, Double)] -> [(String,
String, Double)]
molseqDistMat todo res
| null (tail todo) = res
| otherwise = molseqDistMat (tail todo) (res++(doRow (head todo) (tail
todo) []))
doRow :: MolSeq -> [MolSeq] -> [(String, String, Double)] -> [(String,
String, Double)]
doRow mol rest result
| null rest = reverse result
| otherwise = doRow mol (tail rest) ((name mol, name (head rest),
distance mol (head rest)):result)
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Views: 146
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You probably want:
distanceMatrix xs = molseqDistMat xs [] -- <- Line 79
is a pattern that matches a list of exactly one element.
Upvotes: 3