Reputation: 47
I try to extract frequencies using ngram (bigram, trigram etc.) However in the final result I take the frequencies of single term. Why is this happenning? Is there anything I have to fix in the code.
Here is the data I use:
df <- structure(list(text = c("the discipline of phenomenology is defined by its domain of study its methods and its main results ",
"phenomenology studies structures of conscious experience as experienced from the first person point of view along with relevant conditions of experience the central structure of an experience is its intentionality the way it is directed through its content or meaning toward a certain object in the world ",
"we all experience various types of experience including perception imagination thought emotion desire volition and action thus the domain of phenomenology is the range of experiences including these types among others experience includes not only relatively passive experience as in vision or hearing but also active experience as in walking or hammering a nail or kicking a ball the range will be specific to each species of being that enjoys consciousness our focus is on our own human experience not all conscious beings will or will be able to practice phenomenology as we do ",
"conscious experiences have a unique feature we experience them we live through them or perform them other things in the world we may observe and engage but we do not experience them in the sense of living through or performing them this experiential or first person feature — that of being experienced — is an essential part of the nature or structure of conscious experience as we say “i see think desire do …” this feature is both a phenomenological and an ontological feature of each experience it is part of what it is for the experience to be experienced phenomenological and part of what it is for the experience to be ontological ",
"how shall we study conscious experience we reflect on various types of experiences just as we experience them that is to say we proceed from the first person point of view however we do not normally characterize an experience at the time we are performing it in many cases we do not have that capability a state of intense anger or fear for example consumes all of one s psychic focus at the time rather we acquire a background of having lived through a given type of experience and we look to our familiarity with that type of experience hearing a song seeing a sunset thinking about love intending to jump a hurdle the practice of phenomenology assumes such familiarity with the type of experiences to be characterized importantly also it is types of experience that phenomenology pursues rather than a particular fleeting experience — unless its type is what interests us ",
"classical phenomenologists practiced some three distinguishable methods we describe a type of experience just as we find it in our own past experience thus husserl and merleau ponty spoke of pure description of lived experience we interpret a type of experience by relating it to relevant features of context in this vein heidegger and his followers spoke of hermeneutics the art of interpretation in context especially social and linguistic context we analyze the form of a type of experience in the end all the classical phenomenologists practiced analysis of experience factoring out notable features for further elaboration ",
"these traditional methods have been ramified in recent decades expanding the methods available to phenomenology thus in a logico semantic model of phenomenology we specify the truth conditions for a type of thinking say where i think that dogs chase cats or the satisfaction conditions for a type of intention say where i intend or will to jump that hurdle in the experimental paradigm of cognitive neuroscience we design empirical experiments that tend to confirm or refute aspects of experience say where a brain scan shows electrochemical activity in a specific region of the brain thought to subserve a type of vision or emotion or motor control this style of “neurophenomenology” assumes that conscious experience is grounded in neural activity in embodied action in appropriate surroundings — mixing pure phenomenology with biological and physical science in a way that was not wholly congenial to traditional phenomenologists ",
"what makes an experience conscious is a certain awareness one has of the experience while living through or performing it this form of inner awareness has been a topic of considerable debate centuries after the issue arose with locke s notion of self consciousness on the heels of descartes sense of consciousness conscience co knowledge does this awareness of experience consist in a kind of inner observation of the experience as if one were doing two things at once brentano argued no is it a higher order perception of one s mind s operation or is it a higher order thought about one s mental activity recent theorists have proposed both or is it a different form of inherent structure sartre took this line drawing on brentano and husserl these issues are beyond the scope of this article but notice that these results of phenomenological analysis shape the characterization of the domain of study and the methodology appropriate to the domain for awareness of experienc... <truncated>
"conscious experience is the starting point of phenomenology but experience shades off into less overtly conscious phenomena as husserl and others stressed we are only vaguely aware of things in the margin or periphery of attention and we are only implicitly aware of the wider horizon of things in the world around us moreover as heidegger stressed in practical activities like walking along or hammering a nail or speaking our native tongue we are not explicitly conscious of our habitual patterns of action furthermore as psychoanalysts have stressed much of our intentional mental activity is not conscious at all but may become conscious in the process of therapy or interrogation as we come to realize how we feel or think about something we should allow then that the domain of phenomenology — our own experience — spreads out from conscious experience into semi conscious and even unconscious mental activity along with relevant background conditions implicitly invoked in ... <truncated>
)), .Names = "text", row.names = c(NA, -9L), class = "data.frame")
Here is the code I use in order to take the bigram and trigram:
df2 <- df$text
#use tm package
review_source <- VectorSource(df2)
corpus <- Corpus(review_source)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, stripWhitespace)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
# Functions
BigramTokenizer <- function(x) {RWeka::NGramTokenizer(x, RWeka::Weka_control(min=2, max=2))}
# Bigrams
options(mc.cores=1) <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs.s, control=list(tokenize=BigramTokenizer))
# To get the bigram dist, we use the slam package for ops with simple triplet mat
sums.2g <- colapply_simple_triplet_matrix(,FUN=sum)
sums.2g <- sort(sums.2g, decreasing=T)
The result I expected when I type in console the sums.2g is the results of 2 word phrase and I take only with one frequency. Here an example output of the result I mention.
sums.2g experience conscious phenomenology type 44 15 13 10 domain first person say 6 5 5 5
Upvotes: 0
Views: 146
Reputation: 54247
You got
# [1] "SimpleCorpus" "Corpus"
explains at how it handles the control
argument that
This is different for a SimpleCorpus. In this case all options are processed in a fixed order in one pass to improve performance. It always uses the Boost Tokenizer (via Rcpp) and takes no custom functions as option arguments.
Use corpus <- VCorpus(review_source)
Upvotes: 2