
Reputation: 392

Laravel - adminlte.php doesn't recognize Auth::id()

I've downloaded and installed adminlte package to create a admin panel template for me. The panel is working well, I've already built a lot of functionalities but i can't manage to send a variable to a route. Example:

In adminlte.php you build the side-menu like:

enter image description here

The view gets:

enter image description here

But when i click in the 'Perfil' section it doesn't recognize the Auth::id(), it treats it as a String instead of the actual logged user's id. The error I get:

enter image description here

I tried adding use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; to both adminlte.php and controller but still doesn't work.


// Middleware to check if user is Admin
  Route::group(['middleware' => 'Admin'], function() {

     Route::group(['prefix' => '/perfil'], function() {
        Route::get('/{id}', 'AdminPanelController@getProfile');


getProfile method:

public function getProfile($id) {
    $user = User::findOrFail($id);
    return view("admin_panel.info_views.users.user_profile")->with("user", $user);



return [

    | Title
    | The default title of your admin panel, this goes into the title tag
    | of your page. You can override it per page with the title section.
    | You can optionally also specify a title prefix and/or postfix.

    'title' => 'AdminLTE 2',

    'title_prefix' => '',

    'title_postfix' => '',

    | Logo
    | This logo is displayed at the upper left corner of your admin panel.
    | You can use basic HTML here if you want. The logo has also a mini
    | variant, used for the mini side bar. Make it 3 letters or so

    'logo' => '<b>UNIK</b>HB',

    'logo_mini' => '<b>U</b>NK',

    | Skin Color
    | Choose a skin color for your admin panel. The available skin colors:
    | blue, black, purple, yellow, red, and green. Each skin also has a
    | ligth variant: blue-light, purple-light, purple-light, etc.

    'skin' => 'yellow',

    | Layout
    | Choose a layout for your admin panel. The available layout options:
    | null, 'boxed', 'fixed', 'top-nav'. null is the default, top-nav
    | removes the sidebar and places your menu in the top navbar

    'layout' => null,

    | Collapse Sidebar
    | Here we choose and option to be able to start with a collapsed side
    | bar. To adjust your sidebar layout simply set this  either true
    | this is compatible with layouts except top-nav layout option

    'collapse_sidebar' => false,

    | URLs
    | Register here your dashboard, logout, login and register URLs. The
    | logout URL automatically sends a POST request in Laravel 5.3 or higher.
    | You can set the request to a GET or POST with logout_method.
    | Set register_url to null if you don't want a register link.

    'dashboard_url' => 'home',

    'logout_url' => 'logout',

    'logout_method' => null,

    'login_url' => 'login',

    'register_url' => 'register',

    | Menu Items
    | Specify your menu items to display in the left sidebar. Each menu item
    | should have a text and and a URL. You can also specify an icon from
    | Font Awesome. A string instead of an array represents a header in sidebar
    | layout. The 'can' is a filter on Laravel's built in Gate functionality.

    'menu' => [
            'text' => 'Blog',
            'url'  => 'admin/blog',
            'can'  => 'manage-blog',
            'text'        => 'Painel principal',
            'url'         => 'admin/painel',
            'icon'        => 'dashboard',
            'text'    => 'Editar páginas',
            'icon'    => 'edit',
            'submenu' => [
                    'text' => 'Vantagens',
                    'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/vantagens',
                    'icon_color' => 'purple',
                    'text' => 'Dúvidas frequentes',
                    'url'  => "#",
                    'icon_color' => 'green',
                    'submenu' => [
                            'text' => 'Ver dúvidas/respostas',
                            'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/duvidas',
                            'icon_color' => 'green',
                            'text' => 'Inserir dúvida/resposta',
                            'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/inserir_duvida',
                            'icon_color' => 'green',
                    'text' => 'Equipe',
                    'url'  => "#",
                    'icon_color' => 'blue',
                    'submenu' => [
                            'text' => 'Ver equipe',
                            'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/equipe',
                            'icon_color' => 'blue',
                            'text' => 'Inserir funcionário',
                            'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/inserir_funcionario',
                            'icon_color' => 'blue',
                    'text'    => 'Tabela de Honorários',
                    'url'     => '#',
                    'icon_color' => 'orange',
                    'submenu' => [
                            'text' => 'Editar tabela',
                            'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/editar_tabela_honorarios',
                            'icon_color' => 'orange',
                            'text' => 'Editar texto da tabela',
                            'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/editar_texto_tabela_honorarios',
                            'icon_color' => 'orange',
                            'text' => 'Inserir honorários',
                            'url'  => 'admin/editar_paginas/inserir_honorario',
                            'icon_color' => 'orange',
                    'text' => 'Level One',
                    'url'  => '#',
            'text' => 'Perfil',
            'url' => 'admin/perfil'.\Auth::user()->id,
            'icon' => 'user',
            'text' => 'Alterar senha',
            'url'  => 'admin/settings',
            'icon' => 'lock',
            'text'       => 'Important',
            'icon_color' => 'red',
            'text'       => 'Warning',
            'icon_color' => 'yellow',
            'text'       => 'Information',
            'icon_color' => 'aqua',

    | Menu Filters
    | Choose what filters you want to include for rendering the menu.
    | You can add your own filters to this array after you've created them.
    | You can comment out the GateFilter if you don't want to use Laravel's
    | built in Gate functionality

    'filters' => [

    | Plugins Initialization
    | Choose which JavaScript plugins should be included. At this moment,
    | only DataTables is supported as a plugin. Set the value to true
    | to include the JavaScript file from a CDN via a script tag.

    'plugins' => [
        'datatables' => true,

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2750

Answers (2)


Reputation: 392

The solution was not to pass the id trough URL but change the controller method.


public function getProfile($id) { $user = User::findOrFail($id); return view("admin_panel.info_views.users.user_profile")->with("user", $user); }


public function getProfile() { $user = Auth::user(); return view("admin_panel.info_views.users.user_profile")->with("user", $user); }

Also changed the route to not receive a parameter. This way i managed to access user info without needing to pass their id trough URL which is where i had been having trouble.

Upvotes: 1

George Sharvadze
George Sharvadze

Reputation: 570

Because it is within the quotes. Change it to:

'url' => 'admin/perfil'.\Auth::user()->id

Upvotes: 0

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