So I'm trying to read some config files and output the information from find piped into grep over to awk as follows:
find /path/to/file/ -name config.php -print0 | xargs -0 grep -E 'cfg_database|cfg_user|cfg_password' | awk -F"[:']" -v OFS="" '{print (NR%3==1) ? $1 " | Database: " : "", (NR%3==2) ? "Username: " : "", (NR%3==0) ? "Password: " : "", $5}'
There would be multiple results so by default, find | xargs grep output is:
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php:define('cfg_database', 'db1');
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php:define('cfg_user', 'user1');
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php:define('cfg_password', 'pass1');
/path/to/file/dir2/config.php:define('cfg_database', 'db2');
/path/to/file/dir2/config.php:define('cfg_user', 'user2');
/path/to/file/dir2/config.php:define('cfg_password', 'pass2');
With the command I have right now, the output is:
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php | Database: db1
Username: user1
Password: pass1
But I want to be able to prepend spaces so that all of the results are lined up based on the length of path to the file ($1) plus three more spaces.
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php | Database: db1
Username: user1
Password: pass1
The only methods I'm seeing here are using a loop within print for length($1), or using printf. I couldn't figure out any ways of getting the loop in the current command, and I don't know much about printf and couldn't figure out a way of determining what line is being read. Either way, would appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.
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$ awk 'NR==1{s=length($1)+4}NR>1{$s=$1 OFS $2;$1=$2=""}1' file
$ awk '
NR==1 {
s=length($1)+4 # length of first field of first record + correction
NR>1 {
$s=$1 OFS $2 # use length to position to correct field
$1=$2="" # clean original fields
}1' file
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php | Database: db1
Username: user1
Password: pass1
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Reputation: 16997
your_command | awk 'FNR==1{l=index($0,"|")+1}FNR>1{$0=sprintf("%*s%s",l,"",$0)}1'
For example :
$ cat f
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php | Database: db1
Username: user1
Password: pass1
$ awk 'FNR==1{l=index($0,"|")+1}FNR>1{$0=sprintf("%*s%s",l,"",$0)}1' f
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php | Database: db1
Username: user1
Password: pass1
index(str, sub)
It checks whether sub is a substring of str or not. On success, it returns the position where sub starts; otherwise it returns
. The first character of str is at position1
sprintf(format, expression1, …)
Return (without printing) the string that
would have printed out with the same arguments
Like C/C++ Specifies how much space to allocate for the string
The width is not specified in the format string, but as an additional integer value argument preceding the argument that has to be formatted.
is same as
sprintf("%5s", "");
Used to specify, in a dynamic way, what the width of the field is:
$ awk 'BEGIN{printf("%*s%s\n",5,"","mystring")}'
$ awk 'BEGIN{printf("%5s%s\n","","mystring")}'
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 18351
awk 'NR==1{len=length($0)} {printf "%"len"s\n",$0}' yourfile
/path/to/file/dir1/config.php | Database: db1
Username: user1
Password: pass1
Here, the length of first line is used to calculate the format of the string output, its stored in len
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