Reputation: 188
I was trying to experiment on auto-load files which vim load at the time of start. I kept the example.vim file in:
directory and written a very simple function as:
echom "Autoloading..."
function! cpp#running#CompileAndRunFile(commands)
silent !clear
execute "!" . a:commands . " " . bufname("%")
function! cpp#running#DebuggersOptions()
" Get the bytecode.
let bytecode = system(a:command . " -E -o " . bufname("%"))
" Open a new split and set it up.
vsplit __Bytecode__
normal! ggdG
setlocal filetype=potionbytecode
setlocal buftype=nofile
" Insert the bytecode.
call append(0, split(bytecode, '\v\n'))
But I want to programatically force a reload of an autoload example.vim file which Vim has already loaded, without bothering the user. The reason being that I want that programmer at run-time can change behavior of the function and load latest modified function.
How can I do that ?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 969
Reputation: 196876
auto-load files which vim load at the time of start.
No. The autoload feature is exactly the opposite: an autoloaded script is sourced at runtime, when a function it contains is called.
But I want to programatically force a reload of an autoload example.vim file which Vim has already loaded, without bothering the user.
it again?
Upvotes: 6