Reputation: 237
I'm using Mongodb as persistence in my application and I'm currently writing test for my code. My CUT looks as following
implicit def storageHandler[M[_]: Monad](
implicit mongoDatabase: MongoDatabase
) = new Storage.Handler[M] {
override def store(order: Order): M[Unit] = Monad[M].pure {
val collection: MongoCollection[Document] = mongoDatabase.getCollection("order")
val document: Document = Document(order.asJson.toString)
collection.insertOne(document).subscribe((x: Completed) => ())
My mock is getting properly injected by using implicits. I'm mocking the getCollection call which on it's own should result in another mock, this time of type
So what I'm doing is the following
val mongoCollection: MongoCollection[Document] = mock[MongoCollection[Document]]
(mongoDatabase.getCollection[Document] _).expects("order").once().returning(mongoCollection)
But this result in the following error
type mismatch;
[error] found : com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection[TResult]
[error] required: com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection[org.mongodb.scala.bson.collection.immutable.Document]
[error] val mongoCollection: MongoCollection[Document] = mock[MongoCollection[Document]]
TResult is the generic parameter from the mongoCollection, which looks like this:
case class MongoCollection[TResult](private val wrapped: JMongoCollection[TResult]) {
It seems that the generic parameter is not properly "adjusted" (I'm not sure how to call it) to Document
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1968
Reputation: 967
Specifying the type parameter upfront should work, or, if your interface is fully abstract, you can use a Proxy mock for that:
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MixedMockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
class Issue170Test extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MixedMockFactory {
behavior of "ScalaMock"
it should "mock this" in {
class Foo[T: ClassTag]
"val m = mock[Foo[Nothing]]" should compile // this one fails :(
trait TotallyAbstract[T] {
def foo: Int
def bar: T
it should "work with this workaround" in {
class Foo[T: ClassTag]
abstract class Foo2 extends Foo[Int] // workaround: specify type parameter
"val m = mock[Foo2]" should compile
"val m2 = Proxy.mock[TotallyAbstract[Int]]" should compile
Upvotes: 1