Reputation: 403
I am having problem with compiling the .proto file. Looking to generate REST endpoints from the .proto files. Below is the code and error : syntax = "proto3";
package pb;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
service UrlShortener {
rpc Hello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);
rpc Encrypt(EncryptRequest) returns (EncryptResponse);
rpc Decrypt(DecryptRequest) returns (DecryptResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/{hash}"
message HelloRequest {
string Name = 1;
message HelloResponse {
string Message = 1;
message EncryptRequest {
string OriginalUrl = 1;
message EncryptResponse {
UrlMap ResponseMap = 1;
message DecryptRequest {
string hash = 1;
Error : warning: directory does not exist. google/api/annotations.proto: File not found. urlshortener.proto: Import "google/api/annotations.proto" was not found or had errors.
Please help with fixing this.
I tried : go get -u But it failed saying : no buildable go source files in path.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2604
Reputation: 403
Found out the solution : The problem is that google/api/annotations has moved from the earlier path grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis to
Running the following resolved the error : go get -u
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5886
I think you have more than one errors in your definition
You are missing the syntax version at the very beginning of your definition:
syntax = "proto3";
There are some undefined types
service.proto:32:3: "UrlMap" is not defined.
service.proto:12:40: "DecryptResponse" is not defined.
You are importing and unused empty.proto
You can use the googleapies from
Then run using:
protoc -I${GOPATH}/src/ -I/usr/local/include -I. service.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.
I made the previous changes and it compiles, so I have the service.pb.go file
Take a look of this grpc-gateway, maybe can help you
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