So I am a total newbie in asterisk and managing call lines in general but I managed to install Asterisk Now 13 distro, I have connected 2 sip phones with pjsip and configured a sip trunk which works when I dial an external number with the corresponding prefix. Now I have to programmaticly originate calls and connect them to local extensions which I have no idea how to achieve and I cant seem to find much information about it on the internet after hours of searching.
I managed to connect 2 local sip phones with the asterisk manager api and OriginateAction in the following way:
originateAction = new OriginateAction();
originateResponse = managerConnection.sendAction(originateAction, timeoutRequest);
I also tried this channel originate pjsip/201 extension number@from-ptsn
and channel originate local/201@from-local extension number@trunkName
The context of the PJSIP trunk is from-pstn,I tried using that in various ways without luck both in asterisk cli and the application.
How do I make it use the PJSIP trunk when originating the call and make a call out of the office?
EDIT: I originated an outgoing call using a number that completes with the trunk outgoing route requisites and the "from-internal" context like this:
channel originate Local/201@from-internal extension (prefix)numberToCall@from-internal
I still do not understand why this works and if it is the correct answer to my question.
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Views: 3338
So the answer is in the edit of the question. The only way to generate an outgoing call that I could find is to originate that call "internaly" (with the context "from-internal" which happens to be the same context that is used when originating internal calls) introducing a target number value that completes with the sip trunk's route pattern requirements.
Example: I have a route configured for the sip trunk( trunk1 ) with a pattern(RegEx): [0]{1}/number/ that means that with a 0 infront of any nubmer it will be a valid value for that route and it will try to call using trunk1.
In the case of AsteriskNow CentOS installation it happens to be with the context "from-internal". Since the asterisk configuration files are owned by the FreePBX it is recomended to use the FreePBX GUI instead of configuring the .conf files of asterisk manualy.
That concludes to :
channel originate Local/201@from-internal extension (0)[numberToCall]@from-internal
Which will make the extension 201 ring first and when picked up it will try to use the sip trunk to dial that [numberToCall] because the route with the 0 is "called".
In order to send that command to asterisk using asterisk-java I wrote the following code:
ManagerConnectionFactory factory = new
ManagerConnectionFactory("serverIp", "username",
ManagerConnection managerConnection=factory.createManagerConnection()
OriginateAction originateAction=new OriginateAction();
final String randomUUID=java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();
System.out.println("ID random:_"+randomUUID);
originateAction.setChannel([connectionType]+"/"+[callerExtension]);<-- SIP or PJSIP / 201(the phone that will ring first)
originateAction.setContext("from-internal"); <-- Default FreePBX context
originateAction.setCallerId([callerId]); // what will be showed on the phone screen (in most cases your phone)
originateAction.setExten([targetExten]); //where to call.. the target extension... internal extension or the outgoing number.. the 0[nomberToCall]
originateAction.setPriority([priority]);// priority of the call
originateAction.setTimeout(timeoutCall); // the time that a pickup event will be waited for
originateAction.setVariable("UUID", randomUUID); // asigning a unique ID in order to be able to hangup the call.
Upvotes: 2