Reputation: 400
Assuming we have an inductive data structure and some predicate over it:
Inductive A : EClass :=
X | Y .
Definition P (a: A) : bool :=
match a with
X => true
| Y => false
Then, I formulate a theorem to say there exists an element a
such that P a
returns true:
Theorem test :
exists a: A, P a.
There are probably various ways of doing it, I am thinking how to use case analysis to prove it, in my mind, it works something like this:
can be constructedP a
holds.My Coq code looks like:
evar (a: A). (* introduce a candidate to manipulate *)
destruct a eqn: case_A. (* case analysis *)
- (* case where a = X *)
exists a.
rewrite case_A.
- (* case where a = Y *)
(* stuck *)
My question is that,
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Views: 3246
Reputation: 3103
Here is a rough framework that demonstrates how you might program a Coq tactic to try all elements of a finite type as witnesses.
(* Typeclass to register an enumeration of elements of a type. *)
Class Enumeration (A:Type) :=
enumerate : list A.
Arguments enumerate A [Enumeration].
(* Typeclass to register decision procedures to determine whether
a given proposition is true or false. *)
Class Decision (P:Prop) :=
decide : {P} + {~P}.
Arguments decide P [Decision].
(* Given a Coq list l, execute tactic t on every element of
l until we get a success. *)
Ltac try_list l t :=
match (eval hnf in l) with
| @cons _ ?hd ?tl => (t hd || try_list tl t)
(* Tactic for "proof by reflection": use a decision procedure, and
if it returns "true", then extract the proof from the result. *)
Ltac by_decision :=
match goal with
|- ?P => let res := (eval hnf in (decide P)) in
match res with
| left ?p => exact p
(* Combination to try to prove an (exists x:A, P) goal by trying
to prove P by reflection for each element in an enumeration of A. *)
Ltac try_enumerate :=
match goal with
|- @ex ?A ?P =>
try_list (enumerate A)
ltac:(fun x => exists x; by_decision)
(* Demonstration on your example *)
Inductive A := X | Y.
Instance A_enum : Enumeration A :=
cons X (cons Y nil).
Instance bool_eq_dec : forall x y:bool,
Decision (x = y).
intros. red. decide equality.
Definition P (a:A) : bool :=
match a with
| X => true
| Y => false
Goal exists a:A, P a = true.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 6852
Yes, your proof is flawed! All that you need is to provide the witness first:
Inductive A := X | Y .
Definition P (a: A) : bool := match a with X => true | Y => false end.
Theorem test : exists a: A, P a = true.
Proof. now exists X. Qed.
If you do case analysis first, you'll get into a dead-end.
Upvotes: 4