Reputation: 161
Looking for a walk-through for replacing config tokens at release time. I have tried several of the token replacing tasks / extensions out there but just can't get ANY of them working. I am new to VSTS so it may be that they expect some level of expertise or just know to do something between step x & y. I've tried
IIS Web App Deploy (out-of-the-box) only works for certain sections, and I have to tokenize actual web.config (would like to keep web.config non-tokenized for local debugging)
Azure App Service Deploy (out-of-the-box)
Tokenization by Total ALM
Replace Tokens by Colin's ALM Corner
Replace Tokens by Guillaume Rouchon
and the last 3 just won't work. Anyone have experience with these or know of a walk-through?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1843
Reputation: 59035
The last 3 work by injecting values from the variables section of your release definition, which frankly I just don't like period -- I prefer to keep application configuration as code (with the exception of passwords), driven from a source-controlled configuration file. I then do token replacement via PowerShell, as part of my deployment scripts for the application.
Here's a function I wrote and commonly use to perform token replacement. It works nicely if you put it in a PowerShell module, but is fine as a standalone function.
function Invoke-ReplaceTokens {
try {
$files = gci -Path $FilePath -Filter $FileSpec -Recurse
Write-Output "Found files:"
Write-Output ($files | select-object -expandproperty FullName)
$files | % {
$contents = Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw
$changedContents = $false
foreach ($key in $Values.Keys) {
if ($contents.Contains($key)) {
Write-Output "$($_.FullName) contains `"$key`". Replacing it with `"$($Values[$key])`""
$contents = $contents.Replace($key, $Values[$key])
$changedContents = $true
if ($changedContents) {
set-content -Path $_.FullName -Value $contents
catch {
Write-Output $_
throw $_
Usage in a deployment script:
Invoke-ReplaceTokens -FileSpec '*.config' -FilePath 'C:\Location\Of\My\Config\File' -Values @{ '__Token__' = 'ActualValue' }
Also, the question as you asked it is off-topic for Stack Overflow (off-site resource recommendations are off-topic), so I answered the natural evolution of your initial question: "What is a good method for config file management during deployment?"
Upvotes: 1