
Reputation: 3515

How do I do a rolling cumsum over consecutive rows of a tibble in R

I have a toy example of a tibble. What is the most efficient way to sum two consecutive rows of y grouped by x

l = list(x = c("a", "b", "a", "b", "a", "b"), y = c(1, 4, 3, 3, 7, 0))

df <- as_tibble(l)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 2
#>       x     y
#>   <chr> <dbl>
#> 1     a     1
#> 2     b     4
#> 3     a     3
#> 4     b     3
#> 5     a     7
#> 6     b     0

So the output would be something like this

   group   sum  seq
     a      4     1
     a     10     2
     b      7     1
     b      3     2

I'd like to use the tidyverse and possibly roll_sum() from the RcppRoll package and have the code so that a variable length of consecutive rows could be used for real world data in which there would be many groups


Upvotes: 11

Views: 2761

Answers (6)

Curt F.
Curt F.

Reputation: 4824

A small variant on existing answers: first convert the data to list-column format, then use purrr to map() roll_sum() onto the data.

l = list(x = c("a", "b", "a", "b", "a", "b"), y = c(1, 4, 3, 3, 7, 0))
as.tibble(l) %>%
    group_by(x) %>%
    summarize(list_y = list(y)) %>%
    mutate(rollsum = map(list_y, ~roll_sum(.x, 2))) %>%
    select(x, rollsum) %>%
    unnest %>%
    group_by(x) %>%
    mutate(seq = row_number())

I think if you have the latest version of purrr you could get rid of the last two lines (the final group_by() and mutate()) by using imap() instead of map.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 323366

zoo + dplyr


df %>% 
    group_by(x) %>% 
    mutate(sum = c(NA, rollapply(y, width = 2, sum)), 
           seq = row_number() - 1) %>% 

# A tibble: 4 x 4
# Groups:   x [2]
      x     y   sum   seq
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     a     3     4     1
2     b     3     7     1
3     a     7    10     2
4     b     0     3     2

If the moving window only equal to 2 using lag

df %>% 
    group_by(x) %>% 
    mutate(sum = y + lag(y), 
    seq = row_number() - 1) %>% 
# A tibble: 4 x 4
# Groups:   x [2]
      x     y   sum   seq
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     a     3     4     1
2     b     3     7     1
3     a     7    10     2
4     b     0     3     2


n = 3    # your moving window 
df %>% 
    group_by(x) %>% 
    mutate(sum = c(rep(NA, n - 1), rollapply(y, width = n, sum)), 
           seq = row_number() - n + 1) %>% 

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 215117

One way to do this is use group_by %>% do where you can customize the returned data frame in do:

library(RcppRoll); library(tidyverse)

n = 2
df %>% 
    group_by(x) %>% 
            sum = roll_sum(.$y, n), 
            seq = seq_len(length(.$y) - n + 1)

# A tibble: 4 x 3
# Groups:   x [2]
#      x   sum   seq
#  <chr> <dbl> <int>
#1     a     4     1
#2     a    10     2
#3     b     7     1
#4     b     3     2

Edit: Since this is not as efficient, probably due to the data frame construction header and binding data frames on the go, here is an improved version (still somewhat slower than data.table but not as much now):

df %>% 
    group_by(x) %>% 
    summarise(sum = list(roll_sum(y, n)), seq = list(seq_len(n() -n + 1))) %>%

Timing, use @Matt's data and setup:

library(stringi) ## Only included for ability to generate random strings

## Generate data with arbitrary number of groups and rows --------------
rowCount   <- 100000
groupCount <- 10000
sumRows    <- 2L

l <- tibble(x = sample(stri_rand_strings(groupCount,3),rowCount,rep=TRUE),
            y = sample(0:10,rowCount,rep=TRUE))

## Using dplyr and tibble -----------------------------------------------

ptm <- proc.time() ## Start the clock

dplyr_result <- l %>% 
    group_by(x) %>% 
    summarise(sum = list(roll_sum(y, n)), seq = list(seq_len(n() -n + 1))) %>%

dplyr_time <- proc.time() - ptm ## Stop the clock

## Using data.table instead ----------------------------------------------


ptm <- proc.time() ## Start the clock

setDT(l) ## Convert l to a data.table
dt_result <- l[,.(sum = RcppRoll::roll_sum(y, n = sumRows, fill = NA, align = "left"),
                  seq = seq_len(.N)),
               keyby = .(x)][!]

data.table_time <- proc.time() - ptm

Result is:

#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.688   0.003   0.689 
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.422   0.009   0.430 

Upvotes: 7

Matt Summersgill
Matt Summersgill

Reputation: 4242

I notice you asked for the most efficient way-- if you are looking at scaling this up to a much larger set, I would strongly recommend data.table.


l[, .(sum = RcppRoll::roll_sum(y, n = 2L, fill = NA, align = "left"),
      seq = seq_len(.N)),
  keyby = .(x)][!]

A rough benchmark comparison of this vs an answer using the tidyverse packages with 100,000 rows and 10,000 groups illustrates the significant difference.

(I used Psidom's answer instead of jazzurro's since jazzuro's did not allow for an arbritary number of rows to be summed.)

library(stringi) ## Only included for ability to generate random strings

## Generate data with arbitrary number of groups and rows --------------
rowCount   <- 100000
groupCount <- 10000
sumRows    <- 2L

l <- tibble(x = sample(stri_rand_strings(groupCount,3),rowCount,rep=TRUE),
            y = sample(0:10,rowCount,rep=TRUE))

## Using dplyr and tibble -----------------------------------------------

ptm <- proc.time() ## Start the clock

dplyr_result <- l %>% 
    group_by(x) %>% 
            sum = roll_sum(.$y, sumRows), 
            seq = seq_len(length(.$y) - sumRows + 1)
|========================================================0% ~0 s remaining     

dplyr_time <- proc.time() - ptm ## Stop the clock

## Using data.table instead ----------------------------------------------


ptm <- proc.time() ## Start the clock

setDT(l) ## Convert l to a data.table
dt_result <- l[,.(sum = RcppRoll::roll_sum(y, n = sumRows, fill = NA, align = "left"),
                  seq = seq_len(.N)),
               keyby = .(x)][!]

data.table_time <- proc.time() - ptm ## Stop the clock


> dplyr_time
  user  system elapsed 
  10.28    0.04   10.36 
> data.table_time
   user  system elapsed 
   0.35    0.02    0.36 

> all.equal(dplyr_result,as.tibble(dt_result))
[1] TRUE

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 39174

A solution using tidyverse and zoo. This is similar to Psidom's approach.


df2 <- df %>%
  group_by(x) %>%
  do(data_frame(x = unique(.$x), 
                sum = rollapplyr(.$y, width = 2, FUN = sum))) %>%
  mutate(seq = 1:n()) %>%
# A tibble: 4 x 3
      x   sum   seq
  <chr> <dbl> <int>
1     a     4     1
2     a    10     2
3     b     7     1
4     b     3     2

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 23574

Here is one approach for you. Since you want to sum up two consecutive rows, you could use lead() and do the calculation for sum. For seq, I think you can simply take row numbers, seeing your expected outcome. Once you are done with these operations, you arrange your data by x (if necessary, x and seq). Finally, you drop rows with NAs. If necessary, you may want to drop y by writing select(-y) at the end of the code.

group_by(df, x) %>%
mutate(sum = y + lead(y),
       seq = row_number()) %>%
arrange(x) %>%
ungroup %>%

#      x     y   sum   seq
#  <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#1     a     1     4     1
#2     a     3    10     2
#3     b     4     7     1
#4     b     3     3     2

Upvotes: 6

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