Reputation: 51
I am using Linked server For transferring data using MSDTC
Alter Proc [dbo].[usp_Select_TransferingDatasFromServerCheckingforExample]
@RserverName varchar(100), ----- Server Name
@RUserid Varchar(100), ----- server user id
@RPass Varchar(100), ----- Server Password
@DbName varchar(100) ----- Server database
Set nocount on
Set Xact_abort on
Declare @user varchar(100)
Declare @userID varchar(100)
Declare @Db Varchar(100)
Declare @Lserver varchar(100)
Select @Lserver = @@servername
Select @userID = suser_name()
select @User=user
Exec('if exists(Select 1 From [Master].[' + @user + '].[sysservers] where srvname = ''' +
@RserverName + ''') begin Exec sp_droplinkedsrvlogin ''' + @RserverName + ''',''' + @userID +
''' exec sp_dropserver ''' + @RserverName + ''' end ')
declare @ColumnList varchar(max)
set @ColumnList = null
Select @ColumnList = case when @ColumnList is not null then @ColumnList + ',' + quotename(name) else quotename(name) end
From syscolumns where Id = object_id('Crnot') order by colid
Set identity_Insert Crnot On
exec ('Insert Into ['+ @RserverName + '].'+ @DbName + '.'+ @user +'.Crnot ('+ @ColumnList +') Select '+ @ColumnList +' from Crnot ')
Set identity_Insert Crnot Off
Exec sp_droplinkedsrvlogin @RserverName,@userID
Exec sp_dropserver @RserverName
when executing this qry i get the error "No transaction Active"
Upvotes: 1
Views: 377
Reputation: 432742
Check your MS DTC configuration (cut and paste from a doc, not checked recently):
Start, Run, dcomcnfg.exe
In the Component Services window, expand Component Services... Computers...My Computer.
Right-click My Computer, Properties.
Click Security Configuration on the MSDTC tab.
Click to select the Network DTC Access check box.
Set both the Allow Inbound and Allow Outbound check boxes
Under the Transaction Manager Communication group, click to select the No Authentication Required option.
Verify that the DTC Logon Account name is set to NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService.
Click Ok etc
In your code, Set identity_Insert Crnot
only applies to local objects.
It should be part of the dynamic SQL INSERT
Upvotes: 1