
Reputation: 21

'Int' object has no attribute

I am trying to create a list objects that holds data about professional golfers. The different data points are golfer name and putting percentages from different distances. I want to sort this list of objects by name once all the data has been entered for every player object. The list of these objects is called PlayerNumber. When I try to sort PlayerNumber by attribute 'name'. I get an error stating that 'int' has no attribute and I am not sure why PlayerNumber is being referred to as an integer and not a list.

Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code:

import operator
import numpy as np
import statistics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from colour import Color
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib3

###############    ACCESS WEBPAGES       ####################
def makeSoup(url):
    http = urllib3.PoolManager()
    response = http.request('GET', url)
    soupdata = BeautifulSoup(response.data)
    return soupdata

siteURL = []
for i in range(7):
siteURL[0] = ''
siteURL[1] = 'http://www.pgatour.com/stats/stat.408.html'   #>25
siteURL[2] = 'http://www.pgatour.com/stats/stat.407.html'   #20-25
siteURL[3] = 'http://www.pgatour.com/stats/stat.406.html'   #15-20
siteURL[4] = 'http://www.pgatour.com/stats/stat.405.html'   #10-15
siteURL[5] = 'http://www.pgatour.com/stats/stat.404.html'   #5-10
siteURL[6] = 'http://www.pgatour.com/stats/stat.02427.html' #3-5

###############    ACCESS TABLE DATA      ###################
def row_number(soupdata):
    for row in table.findAll('tr'):
        tot_row = row
    return tot_row

def parse_table(soupdata):
    currRank = []
    prevRank = []
    playerName = []
    rounds = []
    pctMake = []
    attempts = []
    puttsMade = []
    table = soupdata.find('tbody')
    tot_row = 0
    for row in table.findAll('tr'):
        #for col in row.findAll('td'):
        col = row.find_all('td')
        #column_1 = col[0]
        #column_2 = col[1]
        column_3 = col[2].text
        #column_4 = col[3]
        column_5 = col[4].text
        #column_6 = col[5]
        #column_7 = col[6]
        tot_row += 1
    #return currRank, prevRank, playerName, rounds, pctMake, attempts, puttsMade
    return playerName, pctMake, tot_row

>25 ft: distance1
20-25 ft: distance2
15-20 ft: distance3
10-15 ft: distance4
5-10 ft: distance5
3-5 ft: distance6
###############    CLASS DEFINITION      ###################
class Player:
    def __init__(self,name, id, dis1=0.0, dis2=0.0, dis3=0.0, dis4=0.0, dis5=0.0, dis6=0.0):
        self.name = name
        self.dis1 = dis1
        self.dis2 = dis2
        self.dis3 = dis3
        self.dis4 = dis4
        self.dis5 = dis5
        self.dis6 = dis6
        self.id = id
        Player.id_list[self.name] = self # save the id as key and self as he value
    def addDis1(self,distance1):
        self.dis1 = float(distance1)
    def addDis2(self,distance2):
        self.dis2 = float(distance2)
    def addDis3(self,distance3):
        self.dis3 = float(distance3)
    def addDis4(self,distance4):
        self.dis4 = float(distance4)
    def addDis5(self,distance5):
        self.dis5 = float(distance5)
    def addDis6(self,distance6):
        self.dis6 = float(distance6)
    def displayPlayer(self):
        print("Player: ", self.name, '\n'
              ">25 Ft %: ", self.dis1, '\n'
              "20-25 Ft %: ", self.dis2, '\n'
              "15-20 Ft %: ", self.dis3, '\n'
              "10-15 Ft %: ", self.dis4, '\n'
              "5-10 Ft %: ", self.dis5, '\n'
              "3-5 Ft %: ", self.dis6, '\n')
    def lookup_player_name_by_id(cls, name):
            return cls.id_list[name] # return the instance with the id 
        except KeyError: # error check for if id does not exist
            raise KeyError("No user with id %s" % str(id))

###############    DATA POPULATION      ###################
for i in range(0,195):
for i in range(1,7):
    soupdata = makeSoup(siteURL[i])
    playerName, pctMake, tot_row = parse_table(soupdata)
    for x in range(0,tot_row):
        name = playerName[x]
        name = name.replace("\xa0", " ")
        name = name.replace("\n", "")
        if i == 1:
            PlayerNumber[x] = Player(name, x)
        if i == 2:
            val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
        if i == 3:
            val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
        if i == 4:
            val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
        if i == 5:
            val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)
        if i == 6:
            val = Player.lookup_player_name_by_id(name)

PlayerNumber.sort(key = operator.attrgetter("name"))         

I'm using Python 3.4 spyder IDE. I'm relatively new to python as an FYI.


Upvotes: 2

Views: 3246

Answers (1)

Dillon Davis
Dillon Davis

Reputation: 7750

It isn't that PlayerNumber is being referred to as an integer, but rather that PlayerNumber is a list of integers, and every element of that list (and integer) doesn't has an attribute "name", which sort() is trying to access (in order to sort them).


To elaborate, the second to last line in your sample:

PlayerNumber.sort(key = operator.attrgetter("name"))

is trying to sort PlayerNumber, using the comparison function: operator.attrgetter("name"), which means it must call that function on each element of PlayerNumber to get its rank in the sorted array. That is why you are trying to grab a .name attribute from the integers in PlayerNumber.

Upvotes: 2

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