Reputation: 53
Can anyone please help me resolve this problem?
I'm trying to create an alert switcher for my label but it seems that I'm doing something wrong. If I add this to my JS file, my add button won't work anymore Can anyone help me out?
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.buttons').on('click', 'button.hide', function () {
$('.buttons').on('click', 'button.add', function () {
var edit = $('#edit');
editRow = $('#editRow');;
if (!($('#addNew').length)) {
edit.append('<input type="button" id="addNew" onclick="addNewTr()" value="Add" name="submit" />');
if (editRow) {
for (var x = 1; x < $('input').length; x++) {
$('#btd' + x).val('');
$('#show').click(function () {
// $('#btd4').val('Ceva');
function edit(a) {
var edit = $('#edit');
addNew = $('#addNew');
editRow = $('#editRow');;
if (addNew) {
if (editRow.length) {
editRow.replaceWith('<input type="button" id="editRow" onclick="save(' + a + ')" value="Edit" name="submit" />');
} else {
edit.append('<input type="button" id="editRow" onclick="save(' + a + ')" value="Edit" name="submit" />');
$.each($('.tr-' + a).find('td'), function (key, val) {
$('form#edit input[type=text]').eq(key).val($(val).text());
function save(a) {
var tr = $('tr');
valid = true;
message = '';
$('form#edit input, select').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.val()) {
var inputName = $this.attr('name');
valid = false;
message += 'Please complete all the colums' + inputName + '\n';
if (!valid) {
} else {
for (var q = 1; q < $('.tr-' + a + ' td').length; q++) {
$('.tr-' + a + ' td:nth-child(' + q + ')').html($('#btd' + q).val());
for (var x = 1; x < $('input').length; x++) {
$('#btd' + x).val('');
function addNewTr() {
var tr = $('tr');
valid = true;
message = '';
$('form#edit input, select').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.val()) {
var inputName = $this.attr('name');
valid = false;
message += 'Please enter your ' + inputName + '\n';
/*switch (inputName) {
case 'Nume Proiect':
message += 'Message for password ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Task Select':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Volum':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Unitati':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Ore Lucrate':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
if (!valid) {
} else {
$('table tbody').append('' +
'<tr class="tr-' + tr.length + '">' +
'<td>' + $('#btd1').val() + '</td>' +
'<td>' + $('#btd2').val() + '</td>' +
'<td>' + $('#btd3').val() + '</td>' +
'<td>' + $('#btd4').val() + '</td>' +
'<td>' + $('#btd5').val() + '</td>' +
'<td>' + $('#btd6').val() + '</td>' +
'<td class="buttons">' +
'<button class="removeThis" onclick="removeThis(' + tr.length + ')">Delete</button >' +
'<button class="edit" onclick="edit(' + tr.length + ')">Edit</button >' +
'</td >' +
'</tr>' +
for (var x = 1; x < $('input').length; x++) {
$('#btd' + x).val('');
function removeThis(a) {
$('.tr-' + a).remove();
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<body style="margin:0;">
<table class="greenTable" id="myTable" width="80%">
<tr><td colspan="7"><form id="edit" action="" method="post" hidden >
<label for="btd1" ></label >
<input type="text" name="Nume Proiect" id="btd1" value="" placeholder="Nume Proiect *">
<label for="btd2" ></label >
<select type="text" name="Task Select" id="btd2" required>
<option value="" disabled selected hidden>Task Select *</option>
<option value="Librarie">Librarie</option>
<option value="Delete">Delete</option>
<option value="Marcaj">Marcaj</option>
<option value="Mancare">Mancare</option>
<option value="Suc">Suc</option>
<label for="btd3" ></label >
<input type="number" name="Volum" id="btd3" value="" placeholder="Volum *">
<label for="btd4" ></label >
<select type="text" name="Unitati" id="btd4" required>
<option value="" disabled selected hidden>Unitati *</option>
<option value="ore">Ore</option>
<option value="caractere">Caractere</option>
<option value="imagini">Imagini</option>
<option value="tabele">Tabele</option>
<option value="fisiere">Fisiere</option>
<label for="btd5" ></label >
<input type="number" name="Ore Lucrate" id="btd5" value="" placeholder="Ore Lucrate *">
<label for="btd6" ></label >
<textarea id="btd6" name="comments" id="comments" style="font-family:sans-serif;font-size:1.2em;" placeholder="Comment">
</form >
<td width="30%">Nume Proiect</td>
<td width="10%">Task Select</td>
<td width="10%">Volum</td>
<td width="10%">Unitati</td>
<td width="10%">Ore Lucrate</td>
<td class="buttons" width="10%" colspan="2"><button class="add" >Add</button >
<button class="hide" >Hide</button >
</table >
I edited my Codes so I can give you guys a full see of my html/js/css
So where the switch is disable try delete the message and activate the switch. After you do that the Add button will not work anymore Thats my problem with the switch
Upvotes: 0
Views: 258
Reputation: 133400
You should use strin propely quoted in case
switch (inputName) {
case 'Nume Proiect':
message += 'Message for password ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Task Select':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Volum':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Unitati':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
case 'Ore Lucrate':
message += 'Message for email ' + inputName + '\n';
and capital case too as suggested by Matt
Upvotes: 1