John Lk
John Lk

Reputation: 185

Replace datatables checkbox with my custom checkbox

I am getting double checkbox one from datatables framework and one i made my self. But i wanted use only one checkbox which i made. Coz i have used my checkbox class for other job. So please let me know how can i remove datatables internal checkbox and also datatables framework should be interact with my custom checkbox. Any idea?

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Upvotes: 1

Views: 3365

Answers (1)

Aparajit P Utpat
Aparajit P Utpat

Reputation: 385

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                                    <h5><b><a href="" id="titleText" value="LG Stylo 3 16GB LTE Smartphone for Boost Mobile - New" id="linkText" target="_blank">LG Stylo 3 16GB LTE Smartphone for Boost Mobile - New</a></b></h5>

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                                    <h5><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" id="" target="_blank">LG Stylo 3 - Prepaid - Carrier Locked - Boost Mobile</a></h5>
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                                    <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">B06Y6J869C</a>
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                                    $ 119.99
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                                    $ 119.99
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                                    <h5><b><a href="" id="titleText" value="HTC One A9 32GB Opal Silver for Boost Mobile &#194;– New" id="linkText" target="_blank">HTC One A9 32GB Opal Silver for Boost Mobile &#194;– New</a></b></h5>

                                <td class="sorting_1" style="text-align:left" width="30%">
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                                    <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">B01M0OBVW2</a>
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                                    $ 120.91
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                                    <h5><b><a href="" id="titleText" value="Fireplace Fence Baby Safety Fence Hearth Gate Pet Cat Dog BBQ Metal Fire Gate " id="linkText" target="_blank">Fireplace Fence Baby Safety Fence Hearth Gate Pet Cat Dog BBQ Metal Fire Gate </a></b></h5>

                                <td class="sorting_1" style="text-align:left" width="30%">
                                    <h5><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" id="" target="_blank">JAXPETY Adjustable Weight Bench Barbell Incline Flat Lifting Workout Body Press Home Gym</a></h5>
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                                    <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">B075YR25TM</a>
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                                    $ 71.99
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                                    $ 52.99
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                                    <h5><b><a href="" id="titleText" value="Adjustable Indoor Solid Wood Construction Pet Fence Gate Free Standing Dog Gate" id="linkText" target="_blank">Adjustable Indoor Solid Wood Construction Pet Fence Gate Free Standing Dog Gate</a></b></h5>

                                <td class="sorting_1" style="text-align:left" width="30%">
                                    <h5><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" id="" target="_blank">JAXPETY Electric Knife Sharpener 2 Stage Kitchen Blade Sharpening System New</a></h5>
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