Reputation: 157
I need to construct a a predicate compare_to_predicate/3. It takes in a given predicate and list of numbers and proceeds to compare every element in the list using that predicate.
The given predicates are
- is_odd
- is_even
- greater_than(X)
For example:
?- compare_to_predicate([8,13,1,500], [is_odd], X).
X = [13, 1].
?- compare_to_predicate([8,13,1,500], [greater_than, 10], X).
X = [13, 500].
What I have come up with thus far is:
is_odd(X):- 1 is mod(X,2).
is_even(X):- 0 is mod(X,2).
greater_than(X,Y):- X<Y.
compare_to_predicate([H|Tail],Functor,[H|X]):- Term =.. [Functor,H], Term, compare_to_predicate(Tail,Functor,X).
I have a number of issues:
?- compare_to_predicate([2,10,8,300],is_even,X).
will produce
X = [2, 10, 8, 300].
will produce
I assume it has to do with the predicate encountering a number that will not return true on is_even and then terminating the whole compare_to_predicate with a false. In that case is the solution to somehow make it ignore odd numbers instead of evaluating them? If so, how would I do that?
It seems that the given predicate I pass into compare_to_predicate has to have the type List as seen in
?- compare_to_predicate([8,13,1,500], [is_odd], X).
?- compare_to_predicate([8,13,1,500], [greater_than, 10], X).
I am currently simply passing a normal predicate into the Term. I'm not quite sure on how I'm supposed to do that.
It seems that compare_to_predicate([H|Tail],[Functor],[H|X]):- Term =.. [Functor,H], Term, compare_to_predicate(Tail,[Functor],X)
did the trick here. Finally:
?- compare_to_predicate([8,13,1,500], [greater_than, 10], X).
It seems I need to make compare_to_predicate able to take in predicates with different arity as shown here. Is the solution supposed to be something like this?
(Term =.. [Functor,A]; Term=.. [Functor,A,B]).
Any help will be appreciated.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 854
Reputation: 22803
You kind of need to decide what compare_to_predicate/3
is supposed to do with values that fail the goal. I see basically three ways this can go:
By the way, the term surgery you're doing with =../2
is not necessary; call/N
will do the right thing if you do something like call(greater(10), 20)
, so you can just allow the user to call your predicate like this: compare_to_predicate([1,2,3,4], greater(2), X)
and use call to build the goal.
Doing the first one is pretty straightforward:
filter([], _, []).
filter([X|Xs], P, Result) :-
filter(Xs, P, Xs1),
(call(P, X) -> Result = [X|Xs1] ; Result = Xs1).
Doing the second one is also pretty straightforward:
forall([], _, []).
forall([X|Xs], P, [X|Xs]) :- call(P, X), forall(Xs, P, Xs).
Doing the third one is not terribly hard:
foreach([], _).
foreach([X|Xs], G) :- once(call(G, X) ; true), foreach(Xs, G).
Upvotes: 2